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Y/n slowly opened her eyes. She was laying in a warm bed but the room was dark.


She groans as she slowly sits up. She touches her abdomen where she'd been stabbed and it was wrapped with bandages, it still hurt but the pain was faint.

"I got to get back home."

Y/n speaks to herself and tries to leave. When she lifted her arms a chained restrained it from moving any further.

"No no no."

She cries as she checks her other arm to see if it's also chained. To no surprise it was, along with both her ankles. The chains on her arms allowed her to move a bit but she couldn't fully lift them, and obviously it wouldn't allow her to leave the bed.

"There's gotta be a way out of these chains without a key."

Y/n thought to herself. She was determined to succeed her mission but most importantly make it out safe.

The door creeks open letting in light.


Y/n groans at the sudden brightness. She squints her eyes a bit to make out who was coming in.

"How's you're wounds?"

Namjoon's voice spoke. Y/N's eyebrows furrowed.

"Let me go! I haven't done anything to you! I'll give you money if you want."
"Shh, calm down now."

Namjoon said as he walked towards Y/N's bed. He came to the side and squatted. Making a move would be foolish for Y/n right now so she sat still.

"If you agree to what I'm about to say you'll be free, eventually-"
"You can either listen to what I have to say or stay here to die!"

Y/n stops talking immediately.

"You have to work for me, that's all."
"That's it?"
"Mhm, is that a deal?"

Y/n didn't really have another choice, this seemed like the best option.

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