Gon smiled at Killua.

"I like you because you're really cool, Killua!"

Killua flinched his face turning a light shade of pink. No one had called him cool before, freak, weirdo, phycho, monster maybe but never cool. He looked away rubbing the back of his neck.

"uh! Don't say that stuff! It's embarrassingg.....idiot..."

Gon giggled and the two walked home side by side, Gon parted from Killua first and Killua waved and continued down the path home.

The next day Gon waved goodbye to his aute and headed off to school, as he approached the school gated he saw a floofy white haired boy head in. A small gasped escaped him as he recognised him instently. It was Killua, he had no idea the two attended the same school?


He called with a big grin upon his face as he ran over to him, the white haired boy looked back at the person calling his name. His expression softened form a gloomy frown to a gentle smile as his eyes met Gons.

"isn't this awesome! We go to the same school hah I wonder why I've never seen your around before?"

Gon asked as he finally reached Killua's side, Killua smiled as he happily walked along side his new friend hands tooked deep into his pockets.

" well I'm in class 2-A and during break I usually hang out in the old building on the stairs near the old science lab. People tend to boother-" Killua rolled his eyes as he said bother "-me so I go there where I can be alone, thats probably why."

"ah I see, heh I'm in class 2-C! So I'm two class rooms away, hey! How about we hang out during break, oh wait... You just said you don't like it when people bother you."

"that cool, I don't mind. You don't bother me, but i dont know if it will be any good for you if your hand around me."

"huh? Why?"

Before Gon could get Killua's respons the bell rang and they was standing outside Killua's class room.

"ah well this is me, I'll see you later!"

And with that he headed into his class and took his seat in the far corner at the back, Gon headed to his own class and took his seat. Gon was rather exited for break to come around, so exited he lost focus several times. Lucky he didn't get called upon to answer questions so he didn't get caught.

The bell rang once again this time to let them know it was break. Gon quickly stood up from his chair but before he cold leave three boys stood in his way. They was the Amori Brothers...

"hm? Can I help you?"

"we saw you hanging out with Killua this morning, so what with that? Are you two friends huh?"

The eldest asked glaring down at Gon with his arms folded over his chest.

"huh? Friends? Heh I don't know about that.."

Gon said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Killua was in fact standing by the door and heard them, it kinda stung a little but what did he expect...he turned around and left heading to the old building on his own.

"ah I see, so you're just hanging around him to see what weird tricks he has up his sleeves huh?"

The second eldest ask this his hand on his hip and the other pointing at him as he hunched over. This caused Gon to frown his brows and look up at the other brother.

" what? No, I think Killua is really cool and I'd love to be his friend. I just don't know if he wants to be mine.."

"whaaat?? You want to be friends with that freak??"

"hey! He is not a freak! Don't you dare call him that! Take that back right now."

The eldest gripped Gons shirt and pulled him up a little and looked down at him with a smug smirk across his face.

"oh yea and what are you going to do if we don't?"

Gon glared right back at him, he wrapped his hand around the brothers rist tight and pulled himself free, Gons grip was so strong it caused the other to yelp and let go. Gon then simply pushed passed him and the brother stumbled out of the way.

" why you..."

He grumbled as he looked back at Gon who had his back to him and was beginning to walk away. He was holding his wrist in pain then looked to the other brothers.

"what are you standing around for! Get him!"


The youngest tried to object but before he could the second eldest was running towards Gon and was ready to hit him, right before he punched him Gon looked back taking the first to the face. He flew back a few inches, Gons hand came up to his nose. Blood slowly dripped down his nose and he wiped it away with the back of his hand before looking back to the boy who hit him. He was froze in place amazed that the punch only threw him back a few steps and didn't casuse him to fall, this was a first of course. Gon then punched the brother in the gut and he gasped keeling over, Gons soulless eyes then fell on the youngest brother who just put his hands up in defence and backed up.

"what is going on here?"

A voice called from behind Gon, the home room teacher was standing in the door way. Gon looked back at the boys and then realised what it looked like. Even if Gon had been the victim he was the one who looked to be the bad guy. He sighed turning to the teachers and bowed his head.

"I'm very sorry... You see these three were bad mouthing Killua and tried picking a fight I was only defending myself."

The teacher crossed her arms before she could say anything another student chimed in and defended Gon saying they saw everything. In truth the three brothers acted like they owned the school and no one stood up to them, everyone was fend up.

" fine... Go to the nurses office and get your nose looked at, but I will have to report this to your aunt."

Gon nodded rubbing the back of his head before leaving the class room and heading to the nurses office. As he walked down the hallway he passed Killua who was on his way back to class. Gon didn't notice him, he was too busy hanging his head low and catching the blood as it dripped into his hand.

Killua looked over at Gon and frowned he then saw that Gon was bleeding and quietly changed direction and head to his side.

"hey Gon! What happened??"

"oh Killua hey!"

He looked over at him and smiled as the two now both walked in the direction to the nurse's office.

"oh this hah it's nothing don't worry about it?"

"don't worry? You're bleeding, did those brothers give you a problem? I can beat them up if you want??"

"hah no it ok, I took care of it don't worry."

Killua frowned and then opened the nurses door for Gon. The nurse checked him out and stuck some tissue up his noes to stop the blood from getting every where. Gon and Killua sat on a bed while they waited until he was little better.

" so... Are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to ask them myself?"

Gon sighed pouting as he looked away from Killua.

"fine... They was saying some horrible things about you and it got me real mad! They don't even know you!... Well I don't know you either really, but i would like to get to know you..I want to be your friend"

Killua blushed a little he looked away from Gon embarrassed.

"stupiid...we already are..."

He muttered Gon beamed as he looked back at Killua, it really mad him happy.

"aww Killuaaaa!"

He hugged tackled him from the side which surprised Killua as he fell back on to the bed with wide eyes surprise.


Gon just laughed hugging his new found friend, Killua sighed giving in and patting Gons head.

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