Diary Entry l

98 5 0

1912 January 03 ~Start: 2:46 Pm~
Dear Diary,
I had a great destiny to be foretold. A lover who cherishes me, a fortune, an inheritance, and a large mansion that's worth lots of money. Of course since it was passed down from generation to generation I couldn't sell it. Our mansion, the Onis' mansion was never much of a talk but it should've been.
~3:17 Pm~
I feel different than 30 minutes ago. An urge has, IS encouraging me to kill, to saturate my blood thirst. I'm resisting it and it's just like someone nudging my shoulder. I'm sure it's nothing. After all i have this time to think about him. I may look different physically but i'm still the same me inside...right?
~7:35 Pm~
The night has fallen and i must rest . The eerie corridors aren't scary but the feeling is. I wonder if something is here with me right now. I winded up some alarm clocks to wake me up but they always go missing and the time coordination is all messed up. What the hell is going on around me?
~9:56 Pm~
I'm still awake but why? He seems to be watching me, my lover but others were with him. Who are these 'others'? I give him gifts at every stroke of dawn yet he never accepts them. I've decided it was witchcraft and i continously ignored it. Can i keep this up?
... Oni

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