Diary Entry VI

48 3 6

!!!Time Warp Detected!!!
12 June 2012 ~Start 3:04 PM~
Dear Diary,

I have woken up in an unknown area. Apparently it has restored my body but brought me nearly 100 years into the future! The only bad part about this is that all my works in the past few um how do I say this? Days, have been disrupted and I must start over. All but 8 of the clocks have broken down and are unusable unless I were to want to go into a sleep-like state. I must continue my job to see him one last time. Just...one more...time. YOU'LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN. W-who said that? Is it me? It's me. No it isn't. It's YOU. Huh? I feel like....

~~~~>Time Skip<~~~~

||Unknown Time?||
H-h-huh? I feel so nauseous. And...
The door creaks open. Creeaaaaakkkk goes the doorr~. Who is is it she asks. Three is thee. Who are these 'three' she asks. One is Italy. The other is Germany. The final is Japan. The Axis. World War II. ATTACK. KILL. RIP APART AND SHRED. I lead the attack and they scatter like little mice in a cat fight. The Allies have entered the loop, the warp. (I don't remember who dies in Which order for the first one so I'll make it up) Germany DEAD. England DEAD. Russia DEAD. Japan DEAD. France DEAD. China DEAD. America DEAD. Italy? Where...where...where is he? Where....WHERE....WHERE IS HE?! I'm coming to find you my little PUPPET. A flaw...yes a flaw....that must be it....ESCAPED?!?!!?? WHO LET HIM ESCAPE?!?!!? I'll confront him myself then...Hee hee~ Ha ha~ HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

>A/n If you've watched Hetaoni then you should know what happens with Italy and the others. As for um the woman....she never ever finds her true love...or does she? Who knows? Nobody does. For the story of Hetaoni was never complete....<


Hoped you guys enjoyed it :D

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