Diary Entry V

41 3 3

(A/N:The song will fit with the story)

1912 January 07 ~Start 12:41 A.M.~

Dear Diary,

This is the day. The day of fate. The day where I finally get everything back. Finally...finally...this is what I've wanted right? I-i-i don't remember...Why did I do this? I'm about to die...I have to do this no matter what. I have an urge from the back of my consciousness. It has been so long. I have waited all this time. It is time to turn the page to the next chapter of life. But just in case I have made five spare clocks to rewind time. This will probably be my very final entry. My sanity can only be kept through this diary though. In fact, I'll keep it with me. I will get my place back.

Time to count down. 3, 2, 1, BLOOD SACRAFICE. (Will continue after all the lines so keep flipping! It hasn't ended yet!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No no...this isn't what I want! NO NO STOP IT! STOP! STOP!!!!!! My body...i-is...b-b-breaki-i-i-n-g. Turn back time!

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