Chapter Nine

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As I pulled up to my sister Sarah's house in New York City, it was already 12:00 AM.
I looked at my phone, then wished I wouldn't have. I had about 34 missed calls and over one hundred text messages.
I didn't care though, this is what've was running away from. This is what I couldn't stand to live with.
I walked up to the door, and pondered over what I was going to say to her. Guess I hadn't really thought about that part.
Soon enough, she opened the door, and all of that was behind me, as I flung myself into her arms and began sobbing again.
Sarah obviously knew there was something wrong, and stumbled back then closed the door, escaping the cold of the winter.
"Annabel, what are you doing here?" She exclaimed, rubbing my back.
I finally tore myself away from her, but I still couldn't manage to choke out any words.
Sarah quickly sat me down on her couch, and walked into the kitchen.
She ended up calling our parents, and letting them know where I was.
My mom was of course, hysterical, sobbing on the phone. On the other hand, my dad pretended to be strong.
They offered to come drive me home tonight, but thankfully Sarah said she'd do it herself in the morning, and this way she could come down early for Christmas.
When she got off the phone, she made some tea and we sat together at the island in her kitchen.
"So, are you going to tell me what happened..?"
I finally looked up at her now, my eyes still red from crying, and there we're dark circles under my eyes from driving so long.
She was different, I could tell.
Se was less talkative, and I couldn't tell if this was good or bad.
Then I told her about the whole patrick thing.
I told her house he almost kissed me, I told her how he said it was a mistake, I told her everything that happened with him.
I obviously didn't tell her about brendon, but I did tell her about patrick.
And it was good to tell someone something for once.
And Sarah listened, and she nodded along, letting me know that she cared.
And she didn't ask any questions, she didn't interrupt me or anything. She just listened. And then when I was done, and started crying again, she led me into the guest room and put the covers over me.
"I love you ok?" She whispered as she left the room.
And then pictures flooded into my head as the flashback I revolted to much set into place.

After I left the room, and brendon, my heart had beating so hard. There was questions swimming around in my head.
Had he meant to be so close? Was it just an accident? Or a misunderstand meant?
Then I suddenly bumped into andy, who was probably the only other sober one here but me. He was a vegan and didn't really do much of anything.
"Hey," he said, and I could tell he felt left out.
"Hey, I'm going to get a water downstairs you want one?"
Andy nodded, and gave me a quick wave before I turned and started down to the basement.
It was dark down there, but I didn't even try to turn on the lights, because I knew Sophie's house so well. As I reached over to grab a water, I felt someone's hands around my waist.
"Andy I thought I told you to stay upstairs."
But when the person laughed rasping against my skin, I could tell it wasn't andy. The voice was way darker than his feminine one, and the persons breath smelled of alcohol. I started panicking, and held the water bottle tighter.
I was shaking violently, as the mystery persons hand traveled up my shirt.
"Shhh, Annabel. It's just me."
Brendon's raspy voice breathed into my neck, as he lifted my shirt up.
I pushed him away, and turned around so he couldn't try again. Obviously I was wrong for doing that, because it only got worse.
"Don't act like you you don't like it.." He breathed seductivley again, and pressed his lips against mine.
I pushed him away again, more forcefully this time.
"Please stop!" I yelled, and started to walk away, thinking it was over.
I heard him laugh, and I knew it wasn't.
Suddenly I felt myself being pushed up against a wall, and him coming up from behind me, and I felt his hand unbutton my pants.
I began screaming for help, but then I felt his hand press up against my lips so hard, that I remember the taste of blood in my mouth.
"How are we gonna have any fun if you keep screaming like that, huh?"
Than I felt his hand push down further in my pants, until he was inside me. Hot tears started running down my face, and I sobbed.
I bit down hard on his hand, and he yanked away from me muttering "bitch"
I tried to run away, but his hand grasped me and pinned me onto the ground.
"Don't fucking move." He ordered, as he lifted my shirt over my head. And put his hand over my mouth again.
My screams turned into sobs as he stripped me of my clothes, and I heard him unbuckling his belt.
When he entered me, I screamed as loud as I could, but it was too muffled by his hand.
I squirmed and screamed the whole time, and he groaned and moaned, leaving scratches and bruises on my body, obviously ignoring my pain.
In that moment, I remembered I'd always thought about my first time, having it being with someone I loved, making love to each other, not like this. Not rape.
All memories of my childhood flooding back to me, faces of my friends, my sisters, my parents.
And I remembered at that moment, I was numb. I stopped screaming, I stopped crying, I just looked up, as my body was rocking up and down.
Than about 10 minutes later, I felt brendon swiftly move away from me, and I heard him zip himself up before leaping and running over to something.
Then I turned my head and realized it wasn't something, but someone.
Shay was standing in the doorway, tears running down her face. Than she ran from him, and he ran to her, his shirt still off, and I heard him say something like "she came on to me!"
And I was just there. On the floor. He used me, he raped me, then just left me.
Finally, I dressed myself and started up the stairs. The sounds of the party were all clouded, and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.
When I entered outside, I just started walking. Just walking.
Finally when I entered my house, I looked in the mirror.
Make up was running down my face, there were bruises, hickeys, and red marks everywhere. My chest was bleeding where he'd scream he'd scratched me.
I wanted to cry. But there didn't seem to be any tears left in me. There didn't seem to be anything left in me.


When I came back from my flashback, I say straight up, grabbed my belongings, and rushed out of the house, into my car.
I needed to fix this.

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