Beauty and the Beast

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I sit in a bathtub getting scrubbed by a coat rack. He scrubs my hair, wings, tales, and even under my nails. As he washes me, Eret hops over and hops onto the stool.

"Tonight is the night!" Eret says. The coat rack dumbs a bucket of water ontop of me, soaking me completely.

"I'm not sure I can do this Eret." I pull my bangs out of my face so I can see him.

"You don't have time to be timid! You must be bold! Daring!" He says, taking a glance at the rose.

"Bold! Daring!" I repeat and shake the water off.

I get out of the tub and grab a towel, wrapping it around myself. I flap my wings to get the water off them. I sit down at the vanity and let the coat rack do my hair.

"There will be music, romantic candle light." He lights each one of his candles. "Which will be provided by myself. And when the moment is right, you confess your love!"

The rack finishes drying my hair and moves to the side. I look at myself in the mirror and watch myself speak.

"Yes, I con-..I-I. No! I can't!" I look down ashamed that I don't have the courage to tell the girl I love that I love her.

"You care for the girl, don't you?" He asks.

"More than anything!" I reply as the coat rack cuts my hair. It got pretty lengthy over the past few years.

"Well then, you must tell her!" He says. "Voila! You look so, so..."

"Stupid!" I look at myself in the mirror to see pieces of my hair in a pony tale tied with a green ribbon.

"Not quite the word I was looking for." He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Perhaps a little more off the top." He claps his hands and the rack goes back to work.

The door opens to revile Fishlegs. "Ahem, your lady awaits." He bows and gestures towards the door.

"Now or never." I mumble.

I put on my black suit with a wite undershirt. The barber takes out all the ribbons and leaves me with my messy hair. I straigten my tie and look in the mirror one last time. I take a deep breath and breathe out. "Let's go do this."

I stand in the doorway and watch Astrid descend the stairs. She wears a blue layered dress with the bottom a darker blue than the top. The belt is purple with a red design on it. Her sleaves go down to her elbows and her shoes match her dress. She has a red ribbon choker with a Deadly Nadder charm on it. Her hair is braided with a bun at the top. To top it all off, she wore a rhinestone incrested tiara. (Pic above) She looked like a princess.

I look over at Eret and he gestures for me to go down. I descend the staircase like the prince I am with an arm behind my back and the other in front of me. I bow while she curtsies. I hold out my right arm for her to take and we walk down the rest of the stairs together. Toothless jumps in front of us before circling around us, bringing us cloer together.

We walk towards the dining room and I bring her over to her chair. I pull it out for her so she can sit down.

"Thank you." She says, smiling.

"You're welcome." I reply, smiling.

I take a seat at the other end and we both start eating. I'm eating properly this time. When one of our musicians comes out and plays the violin in front of Astrid, she gets out of her chair and walks over to me. She grabs my hands and pulls me to the ball room. She turns to me and places one of my hands on her waist, while holding the other in her hand.

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