Home Alone (Daichi x Suga)

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Suga was at the stove like he was almost every morning before practice. Daichi wasn't up just yet but they had a few more minutes before it reached that time where you wouldn't make it before the first bell. He was plating the eggs and waffles when Daichi came trudging in, looking a hot mess (emphasis on the mess today). He was tailing their whole comforter, had one nose stuffed with rolled up tissue and looked flush.

"Oh, sweetheart," Suga cooed, wiping his hands on a dish towel.

"'m don't feel so good," he slurred. Suga tsked before putting his hand on the back of Daichi's forehead.

"Oh no. You're boiling. Come on, let's get you back to bed," he decided, guiding the captain upstairs. He stopped at the linen closet and nabbed up a few more blankets and sheets to redo the bedding. He had Daichi sit in a chair until the bed was fixed more comfortably for his boyfriend. He helped him to the bed and let him sit against the headboard.

"Can you sit up for a bit until I get back?" the grey haired boyfriend asked. The sick boy nodded as his lover went to go get the thermometer and medicine. When he came back, Daichi was almost asleep, head bobbing up and down. "Baby. I need to check your temperature," he coaxed, rubbing Daichi's back soothingly. He lifted his head up and opened his mouth. Suga let Daichi lean his head on his shoulder once the thermometer was in position.

The beeping alerted the two that the number was on the screen and Suga removed it gently. 102 even. Suga didn't like how high it was.
"I'm staying home today," he decided.

Daichi shook his head. "You have to go to school and someone has to run practice. I'll be okay, I can take care of myself for a few hours and will probably sleep most of the day." Suga bit the inside of his cheek in thought. Daichi was old enough to take care of himself but Suga couldn't help worrying. "Love, I'll be fine," he repeats.

Suga sighed as he gave in. "Okay. But I'm going to make some soup and leave it on simmer on the stove. Drink some water and check your temperature when I call okay? I'll call between classes, when I get there and when I leave and before and after practices, okay? Is there anything you need before I go?"

Daichi smiled fondly and shook his head and asked for some cough drops when he came home. Suga nodded contently before tucking his boyfriend in one last time and kissing his head and placing a cold cloth there before completing his tasks and leaving for school.

When Sugawara got to practice, everyone was asking where Daichi was. He told them, of course, but after the 4th person he was getting tired of being asked. Not much he could do though except answer or ignore them and the latter option is just rude. Practice carried on like usual minus the captain not being there which put Sugawara in charge. When he called Daichi from the club room he seemed tired so when practice was over he decided to shoot him a text instead; after all, the man did need his rest.

~Point of view change brought to you by the poor water bottle that keeps getting hit in the commercial breaks~

Daichi woke up around 11. His eyelids felt heavy and he was shivering. 'God, my head,' he thought to himself, sitting up slowly. He got out of bed and shuffled to the kitchen, seeing the pot of soup his boyfriend left for him on the stove. He smiled a little and grabbed a bowl from a cabinet to ladle some of the broth into. It felt warm in his hands which sent shivers everywhere else. He shuffled some more to the living room, settling in the couch to watch TV. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket to check his notifications. All that was there was a text from Asahi telling him to get well soon and another text from Suga reminding him to check his temperature and text him the number. The brunette checked the time and knew his boyfriend would be in class right then so he'd check on his next transition.

He spooned some of the soup into his mouth with a shaky hand and watched Looney Tunes, his comfort show whenever he didn't feel good. By the time he was done eating, he was tired again. He put the bowl and spoon into the sink and walked back upstairs so he could check his temperature and lay down again. After finding out his temperature was 101.8, lower than earlier by the smallest bit, and texting Koushi the number, he took medicine and rested his head against the pillow, once again dozing off.

~Back to Koushi's viewpoint~

Sugawara got a text from Daichi saying that his temperature was 101.8 and that he was going back to sleep.

"Poor baby, he must be exhausted," Koushi muttered to himself while him and Asahi and Kiyoko had lunch.

"Daichi?" the manager questioned as she took a sip of water. Suga just nodded. He had barely touched his food, worried for Daichi all day. He was sure he was fine but he could never be sure but he also didn't want to wake him up with more texts. He'd let him sleep the day away, take care of him when he got home and let him sleep some more.

Unfortunately, the day dragged on. The classes took an eternity and practice was going on forever but it finally ended. Koushi doesn't think he ever left the gym so fast in his life. He ran about half way home and slowed down only when he ran out of breath. He slipped his house key into the incision in the door and turned, anxious to check on Daichi. He flew upstairs and practically broke the door off it's hinges with the force he used to open it.

The captain was sound asleep in bed, snores louder due to the congestion. He saw the deep red cold and flu medicine on the nightstand, the cup only having a little residue. The cold compress still had some chill but not much so he refreshed it. He woke Daichi before positioning the cloth.

"Hm?" Sawamura hummed. "Suga? When'd you get home?"

Suga sat down and ran his fingers through Daichi's short hair. "About 10 minutes ago. How are you feeling?"

Daichi wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "Better. Missed you," he pouted softly.

The grey haired boy giggled. "I offered to stay."

"And let the first years burn down the gym? I think not."

Suga nodded and kissed the top of his head. "How come you didn't send me anymore fever updates?"

"I was so tired, Koushi. I slept all afternoon. I feel less feverish though."

Suga tested his forehead and sure enough, he was cooler. Daichi grabbed the thermometer and turned it on to check his fever. The other went to wash the cup and get some water. When he came back, Daichi showed him the small digital screen. 100.3.

"Much better," Suga says. He hands Daichi his dosage and sets the water down. After taking his medicine and a sip of water, Daichi grabs his phone to text Asaho back. Then he picks up the remote to their TV and turns it on. "Aren't you going to sleep?"

The brunette shrugs. "Maybe in an hour. I'm kinda tired of sleeping, ya know?"

Suga hums in understanding and proposes, "How about some soup and crackers then?" The younger man liked the sound of that, he had barely eaten that day due to lack of appetite and sleeping. He gingerly sipped on the water as the soup was heated in the microwave with Koushi downstairs. The show he was watching wasn't very interesting so he went back to Looney Tunes.

"Here ya go. One bowl of soup and some crackers." Suga smiled proudly.

Daichi took the soup and started spooning it to his mouth. He nibbled on the crackers every so bite, watching as Bugs Bunny tricked Daffy something Daffy was too dumb to not get tricked by. Almost all of the soup was gone when Daichi let out a yawn. "Love, I'm tired," the spiker told his setter.

"Yeah, I can tell. Ready for another nap?"

"Only if you hold me," he mumbled sleepily, already burrowing into the covers. Suga was gone for 2 more minutes, taking care of the dishes and leftovers, before he snuggled with Daichi, the captain being the little spoon for once. "I love you, Koushi. Thank you for taking care of me."

"Of course, Daichi. I love you, too."

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