All Time Low (BokuAkaKuroKen)

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I feel like I'm going to lose a lot of readers if I keep writing this ship and diabetes stuff. Please send requests to my DMs, I know I'm really slow with my writing, I'm sorry.


Kenma was experiencing burn out. Having diabetes for 4 years does that to you. It had been so tiring, dealing with the highs and the lows all felt like too much. Diabetes is such a fragile thing. The smallest thing like stress or puberty or sickness could throw it all off for who knows how long. Right now was one of those times.

Kenma woke up with a high, head aching and nauseous. He had forgotten to take his long acting yet again. He rubbed his temples and grabbed his medicine bag. Akaashi had bought it for him a few months ago when the other got a hole in it. Kuroo and Bokuto bought some pins for him, some with his pronouns and sexuality and some stupid ones like cats and Gudetama the egg and a Nintendo Switch. He was lucky to have such caring boyfriends that make diabetes just a little easier. He took out his Dexcom receiver but, surprise surprise, it was dead.

He sighed and pulled out his meter which he hadn't used in months. Thankfully, the battery was still working. He took his pricker and drew blood, wincing a little. It was a while since he's had to do that. His monitor read 489 and he frowned. That was so high. With his sugar count being so up there, he felt emotional and almost cried. He took a deep breath and reached into his bag and grabbed an insulin pen and pen needle. He dialled the pen to 14 and took the shot on his thigh, too lethargic to try anywhere else. He pulled out the needle with ease, not flinching.

He had about an hour to get ready for school but he wouldn't feel better for another half hour and couldn't take a shower for 15 minutes unless he wanted to risk an infection. He was going to get breakfast but he'd end up stacking doses unless he made eggs and bacon or something. But he wasn't really hungry. He sighed, these are the technicalities that he hates about diabetes. Deciding that he was at a standstill, he laid down once again and set an alarm for 15 minutes from then. He really needed this. Just 15 minutes to himself. He texted his mom and let her know why he wasn't up and she sent a thumbs up emoji. She offered to make him some eggs and sausage but he turned down the offer.

Since all he had to do was get dressed after his shower and brush his teeth and hair, Kenma decided that waiting the 30 minutes until he felt better would be okay. He reset his alarm and took a nap. He was awoken by the blaring sound of his alarm. His headache remained but he didn't feel like he'd puke on his pajamas if he stood so he went to his shower and washed up. To wash the gross feeling away, Kenma took a colder shower. It felt nice and refreshing. He got out about 5 minutes later and dried off and put on his uniform. He grabbed his phone and bags with his school stuff, medical equipment and volleyball clothes and left his house, hoping the day would get better.

It didn't. Of course it didn't. Why would it? He had 2 tests that morning that he know he only did mediocre on, he had to skip lunch because he left his at home and had no lunch money and he went low in his last class. He didn't fix it. He was too tired and besides, all he had now was practice and then he and Kuroo would walk home and Kuroo would realize he had a tough day and let him cuddle until he takes a nap to take the edge off of the day. He'd be fine.

"Okay boys," aforementioned boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsuro said as he clapped his hands to get the attention of his team. "We've got a practice match against Fukurodani today so go ahead and warm up, they'll be here in 10 minutes."

Kenma's heart stopped. He forgot they had a practice match so now not 1, not 2 but all 3 of his boyfriends would realize something was wrong. This wasn't good. He really didn't feel like doing anything for his low, he felt so exhausted from having to cater to diabetes' every need but someone was bound to notice. He took a deep breath. It'd be fine. He didn't have to fix it right away, he still had maybe another hour before it got too bad, that's enough for at least a set. He began stretching with the others.

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