The One Where Hinata Is Diabetic (Kageyama x Hinata)

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(Words: 2474)

Diabetes is funny. Well, not really. What I mean is it's weird. One wrong move and you end up feeling like you haven't been diagnosed yet. Which if you don't have diabetes or don't remember that time before you were diagnosed, it isn't a good feeling. But if you do everything you're supposed to you won't feel like that. Unless something happens. Like you get lied to about how many carbs is in something or the punch at a party is spiked and you get drunk and can't take your medicine. Those are things you can't control so don't worry about it if it happens. You know what else can't be controlled? Getting sick.

Ever since I woke up I felt off. I went to check my blood sugar and it was above 300. No wonder I felt so bad. But I also felt really warm and not hungry and my appetite is bigger when I'm high. The nausea and headache weren't out of the ordinary for a high but the feverish feeling and body aches were. 

"Mom! I don't feel well!" I yell to my mother, not liking how scratchy I sound. My mom came rushing in and asked questions about my levels and if I thought I'd be good to go to school. I only had a low grade fever and I was sure some medicine would fix it so I nodded and agreed to rest when I came home and call if I felt worse. She nodded, gave me a few ibuprofen, cuddled me for a few minutes and then let me get ready. I dosed for breakfast and headed to school.


I turn around and see my boyfriend. He catches up with me and I give him a hug like always, him returning it. We walk in silence and when we get to the gates he asks if I'm okay.

"Yeah, my blood sugar is kind of high." I didn't include the sick part because it'd be over soon.

"Oh. Let me know what it is at lunch, okay idiot?"

I roll my eyes. "Love you, too."

"Glad you can translate. But seriously, lunch."

I nod and we head to our class.

It got worse. Like, way worse. I had to go to the nurse's office during class and spent a whole period resting. I begged her not to send me home because I had volleyball practice later. She agreed but I'd have to come get checked later. I thanked her and headed to lunch.

"What was it?" Kageyama asked when I sat down.

"A little higher than this morning," I admit.

"Did you take your long acting?"


"Are you eating sugar?"


"Then why is it so high?!"

"Because I'm sick!"

"Bullshit. You would've told me earlier."

"I thought I'd feel better!"

"Sure," he scoffed.

"Feel my forehead, Kageyama!"

"I'm not letting you trick me."

"I'm not. I really am sick!"

"Whatever. I'm going to go."

"You have to eat."

"Well maybe if I don't my blood sugar will lower and you'll believe me," I shrug while walking out the cafeteria.

Thankfully I only had 2 classes left. I'm really starting to feel bad. Emotionally and physically. I don't talk to Kageyama for the rest of the day. The day would be over soon. I just have to get through practice.

"Nuh-uh," I hear Daichi say before I enter the gym.

"'Nuh-uh' what?" I ask.

Suga pops up from behind him, looking over his shoulder. "Kageyama said you've been running high all day. You know you can't play like that," he answers.

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