Poision the Water, Poision the Queen

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Prompt: Jude getting poisoned and Cardan worrying.

Timeline: Post- Queen of Nothing


Jude Duarte Greenbriar was not happy.

In fact, Jude was not even a bit amused.

Cardan knew. He fucking knew- she hated alcohol. There had never been a time in her life where the queen had any taste for it. She dreaded the bitter toxic taste. She had never understood why her husband had such a glamour to it. Yet it seemed, Cardan had found it comical to propose a toast, one that would require Jude to drink.

Here she sat, with a glass of sickly sweet fluid in her hand and deep fiery eyes brazing holes into the head of her husband.

Cardan smirked at Jude, and she knew what that smirk meant. To anyone else it was a simple act of love, something that was meant to make her heart flutter. But to Jude, she knew what he really meant... he thought he had tricked her.

   It reminded the queen of the day she was sent to exile. He had that same smirk on his face. That same unbearable attractive smirk. She hated his face, hated how it made her feel, the feeling that overwhelms her heart when she looks at it.

   The lines of toasts were still going down the rows of folk sitting at the magnificently long white dressed table, in typical faerie fashion. When the turn landed on Cardan he raised his glass and his smile, but the corner of his vision never left the hers.

   "To Elfame, and the folk. May our borders live in peace and your homes be blessed from the heart of the snake I once was. And to my wife, Jude, for being the only one with courage to murder me, on more than one occasion"

   The folk laughed and murmured, Jude smiled, slightly less irritated now that she had heard his speech. It was no secret that Jude had never felt like she belonged in Elfame. The folk had never given her a chance to. But Cardan, since the day the were married, had never made her feel that way. She knew  the thoughts of the things he said to her when they were younger kept him up at night.

   Jude raised the glass of blood wine to meet her lips. The liquid flowed down her throat, tasting of tangy grapes and bitter magic. She recoiled, she'd always had disdain for blood wine, but Jude never remembered it being this repulsive.

   The queen set her glass down, her head feeling slightly dizzy.

"Have I mentioned how awful you look tonight?"

Jude turned to meet Cardans eyes, and respond to his words, "do tell"

They both know he couldn't. While Jude didn't believe her beauty was extraordinary, especially tonight, Cardan could not lie.

He smiled, "I love you, Jude, my dear serpent slaying wife"

"Dear god, I hope that doesnt become a running name for me"

"You don't like it?"

She scowled, and he put a dramatic hand atop his heart, acting surprised, "how your words wound me, my murderess"

The ily quiet sound of Judes laughter echoed around her head. She opened her mouth to retaliate when the dizzying feeling in her head returned. The world seemed to spin and rotate on an axis, making a feeling of disorientate flow through her limbs. Her pupils turned as she looked up.


Her faint words seemed to by loud enough to grab his attention. The kings eyes widened as he rested his hands beneath her forearms, balancing and comforting her while she sat.

"Is everything ok, Jude?" He said with a concerned heart.

"yes but, I think I'm unwell"

He nodded and stood, letting go of her and turning to tell the banquet of their retirement to their chambers.

   Judes body seemed to have other plans as her head grew warmer and chills ran down her spine. Suddenly, Cardans ring that she kept on her finger weighed heavy, as if she had just lost some sort of strength.

   "Wife, is everything-"

   Jude grabbed ahold of Cardans chest as she stood, the room spinning back and forth.



   The room was dark when Jude opened her eyes. Warm white sheets lay cocooned around her, as if someone had tucked them into her sides and along her back. Burnt ivy tinged the room of its usual willow-leaf like smell, meant to bring health and peace.

"Your awake"

Cardans smooth voice echoed somewhere from the shadowed room, but Judes head heart all to much to sit up and attempt to navigate him.

But she did desperately want him next to her.

Oh, how she hated him so.

"what happened?"

A cool hand rested upon her warm forehead, "you were poisoned"

Cardans voice sounded like salt and agony as he spoke of what had happened. But, poison? Jude couldn't see and any possible way such a toxic liquid could get passed her senses.

She lifted herself up onto her elbows, "how did I not notice it?"

"You were most likely distracted by my beauty"

Even when she was on the breach of death she still hated him.

"Who slipped the poison into my wine?"

Cardan took in a deep breath, "the Bomb found him, and I've already made sure he won't ever be able to poison you ever again, or use his hands either"

"What did you do"

"What I had to. Traitors aren't taken lightly in Elfame, you know that better than anyone, Jude"

A few names came to her mind as he said that word. Traitor. Taryn. Locke. Mardoc.


He put his hands around hers to lower her to the bed, "How are you feeling?"


Cardan rubbed his cool hand on her head, his thumb tracing the lines of her hair and eyebrows. Worry and fear evident in his eyes, "I'm sorry there isn't much I can do to help you. I would if I could".

Even if he could lie Jude knew he was telling the truth. Deep down, she knew she would do the same for him.

"I know Cardan" she said, "I know"


I hope this is good :)

I don't have any requests or ideas rn for this oneshot so if u have any go to the request rules chapter

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