Chapter 4: The Morning After

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Niall's POV:

I pulled her in towards me. I know she was genuinely terrified, but I just wanted to be closer with her. She may not know it, but she really is beautiful. I notice her peacefulness as she drifts asleep. I can't stop looking at her. This is the first time I've slept in my bed in a while. Normally I just feel too alone? But not right now, I have Ashley with me, holding onto me, wearing my hoodie, needing me, and she has me.

My thoughts begin to fade as a drift off.


I wake up snuggled right up next to her. I prop my head up with my hand and look at her with open eyes. It's peaceful as the sun beams in through the shutters. I contemplate whether I should make breakfast or stay in bed with her. I decide on staying in bed just so she doesn't think I left her. That's the last thing I want.

Her eyes begin to open and I smile at her. I place my hand on the side of her face and rub my thumb onto her cheek.

"Did you sleep okay," I say. I bite the corner of my lip as I stare into her green eyes.

She smiles up at me, "Yeah, did you?"

"Best sleep I've had in a while darling," This is pretty much completely true. I can't tell if she feels the same way I feel about her, but I just wanna be with her. I know it's only been a few days, but I get this intense feeling with her.

Normally I would pull her into me and hold onto her a bit more before we have to get out of bed, but given the circumstance, I opt for standing up and making a quick coffee instead.

I get out of bed and stretch. I catch of glimpse of her staring. Maybe she does like me, it's hard to tell.

I give her a quick smirk and start, "What do you like for breakfast?"

"Oh breakfast. I like anything, you really don't..."

I stop her, "You're my guest, I can't leave you with an empty stomach,"

Before stepping out of the doorway I say, "The bathroom is all yours by the way,"

She definitely didn't come prepared to spend the night, so the least I can do is make her comfortable. Once in the kitchen I start making some pancakes and bacon. I slice up some fruit and plate it all. I'm not gonna lie, I'm quite the chef.

Once I set it on the table, I sit down and wait for her to finish doing what she needs to do. She walks into the kitchen wearing the hoodie I gave her, and what looks to be no pants.

I guess I was looking too much because she speaks up and says, "I'm sorry this is so embarassing. I spilled toothpaste all over them..."

Wow. Does she know what she's doing to me. I swear she's making me fall harder by the minute.

"Don't worry about it, I made you something, come eat," I say and pull out the chair for her.

She sits down and devours the food like it was nothing. A girl who can eat, hmmm.

"Hungry weren't ya," I say with a little giggle.

She laughs as she adjusts her messy bun, "I've been living off of ramen for the past year,"

Suddenly it sinks in. Sometimes I think that my life is normal, but to people like Ashley, it's far from it.

"No way," I say.

"Yes way,"

I want to take her and buy her everything in the world. A girl like her shouldn't have to live like that.

"Well then, I guess you're coming over for dinner more often," I say.

Ashley grabs her plate and walks over to the sink, "I guess I am then,"

I stop her, "No don't worry about it, I'll do the dishes,"

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. She then mouths the words, "Make me,"

Make me? Oh she doesn't know what she's dealing with. I jump out of my seat and take ahold of her hips. I look right at her and lift her up.

"NIALL AHHHH!" she squeals. She holds onto my neck and wraps her legs around my waist.

She's actually quite light and I'm able to carry her and toss her, back first, onto the couch. I pin my arms to the side of her and look at her eyes. She's giggling but I say, "What did you say?"

She clearly finds this amusing, because she repeats herself, "Make me," but this time with more pride.

I start tickling her waist and she squirms.

"NIALL!" she keeps laughing, "NIALL!"

I keep going and she keeps crying out my name. I stop tickling her and laugh a little at her, "Ya done being sassy now?" I ask.

"Yes I am, now help me up," she says as she holds her arms out.

I take ahold of her hands and pull her body so she's standing. Chest to chest, I look at her. I can't help myself. At this point she's basically teasing me. I grab ahold of her waist and look again. Her bright green eyes flicker at me. She nods with consent. I want her. I need to be with her. I place my hand on the back of her neck and pull her into a kiss. If was gentle, but definitely a little passionate. Her lips were soft and they moved with elegance. It only lasted about 5 second but it felt like a lifetime.

"I really like you," she spoke, pulling me back in.

After a few moments we finish. Especially since it was our first kiss, I didn't want to push anything onto her. She looks at me with a sadness in her eyes, "I have work in an hour,"

I check the time on my watch, it's 10:30am. "Come back tonight," I say, staring back into those gorgeous eyes.

She gives me a quick peck and as she walks out she says, "Will do,"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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