Chapter 2: Reason Why

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Niall's POV:

Normally I wouldn't be so quick to give out my number. But clearly Ashley had no idea who I was, which is especially refreshing for me considering the constant fame that surrounds me. Now don't get me wrong, I love it and I love my fans, but it's nice to have a break- and besides that, she is an absolute stunner.

I sit on my couch in my New York penthouse. I wonder what Ashley's doing right now, probably asleep since she didn't text me back. Besides, my phone is charging in my room. It was a little weird that I asked the waiter for the number and name on her reservation, but this was a special moment. I feel like we really bonded over something, I don't know what but we definitely clicked. Still in my clothes, I pass out on the coach.

I wake up to two texts, one from my assistant and one from Ashley.

Niall where are you, you have an interview with the news in 20 minutes -Adam

And the second one:

Hi, decided to text you ;) -Ashley

Still a little sleepy, I rub my eyes before realizing that she actually texted me. I reach over and text her back:

Sleep well? -Niall

Quickly, I dial my assistants number and tell him I slept in. He's forgiving and says he'll let everybody know. I shower, and throw on a good enough outfit for the interview and run out the door. I never have to worry about hair because they have stylists on set. I get another text while I'm in the car:

More than well, thank you for the flowers, they're BEAUTIFUL! Whatcha doin right now? -Ashley

I smile just at the words on the screen. It's nice to have somebody not know who you are for once, I text back:

I'm glad darling :) Going to get some morning coffee, want some? -Niall

I know that's a little bit of a lie but not completely. I am getting coffee, but on set. Maybe my assistant can drop her off one? And she replies:

Ooo so you're calling me darling now? Okay cutie, I'll take some coffee haha -Ashley

I park my car and walk inside the building. I'm greeted by my assistant and the interviewer for the day, putting his hand out.

"Hi Niall I'm Dan! I'll be hosting today, make yourself at home. Stylists over there, just take a seat and you'll be on in 30 minutes," He grabs my hand with a firm grip and leaves to go talk to another lady across the room.

My assistant Adam looks at me and shakes his head, "Niall! What were you thinking! And why the hell did you want me to send flowers to a random apartment at 11pm last night!"

I smile and look down and my shoes before saying, "Mate, it's none of your concern but I met a special fellow. Also can you drop off some coffee for me?,"

He follows me as I begin walking towards the stylist, "Yes I can do that, you're acting strange though, are you going mad or..."

I stop him as I sit down in the chair and laugh, "It's a girl, I feel bad and want to treat her right,"

Adam nods and says before leaving, "Text me the order and the address,"

I playfully blow him a kiss as he makes his exit and laugh. The stylists blowdries by hair and puts a little product in it to keep it up. I look in the mirror at myself- how did I manage to get such a doll to text me? I reach down and grab my phone:

Well what do ya do darling. Where do ya work? -Niall

I have to find a way to make this not sound creepy. She texts back in an instant.

I work at Murray's Law Firm. I'm the receptionist, what about you?  -Ashley

A law firm huh? I text Adam the location and tell him to get an iced vanilla latte and an iced black coffee, and something for himself from one of the more expensive New York coffee shops. If there's one thing I know, it's that girls love lates. Of course the black coffee is for me. I respond back to Ashley:

I work in the music industry :) -Niall

I don't want to tell her just yet. The interview goes well and Adam hands me my coffee. I get a text from Ashley:

Wow you weren't kidding. How did you know that was my favorite drink? *insert one attachment* -Ashley

I smile down at the picture she sent me, it was her holding her coffee with a squinty smile and glasses. Now don't get me wrong she looks totally hot all dressed up, but I like the casual Ashley, it's quite adorable.

Obviously Adam caught me because he says, "Keep your chin up your drooling. Is that her?"

I snap out of my trance and look up, "What? Oh yeah that's her... can you keep this on the downlow though? I don't need..."

Adam grins, "She's quite the girl Niall. You definitely like her, and of course,"

"Thanks..." I say as I open my car door. I drive out of the studios parking lot, and drive back to my penthouse in Manhattan.


Once inside, I jump back onto the couch and turn on a little golf. Obviously I don't pay attention because I'm much too focused on texting Ashley. I don't like hanging out in my room because it always feels so empty, so the couch is normally my best friend.

You're adorable. Wanna facetime tonight? -Niall

Not even! I'm totally down but I might look a bit messy. Work is exhausting :(  -Ashley

I think- if only she was with me, she wouldn't have to be exhausted one more minute.

I like messy, 8 o'clock it is then -Niall

Tonight is Saturday so I doubt she has work tomorrow morning. I stare at my ceiling and smile. I normally don't get this way about girls, I can't put my finger on it but she just seems different than the rest.

It's a date then <3 -Ashley

A date. I probably should take her on one of those soon, I just have to be super careful, especially with the press.

7:55 rolls by and I set up my phone in my kitchen. Behind me is a wall of window, overlooking the New York skyline. I have to take a deep breath before pressing the call button. Connecting.

I stare at the screen. She looks great.

Two Worlds (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora