Love Prank

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Tyler's Pov
'Alright...Alright I know... Im a flaming homosexual who is hot, sexy, and ready to take over the world' I thought to myself, looking in the mirror. My clothes were perfect, my faded blue hair was quiffed to perfection, but there was something missing.

"Aha!" I shouted to myself as I found the perfect bowtie.

"Come on Tyler!! You've been looking at yourself in that dang mirror for 2 hours!!It's time for school!"

Damn it! Had I really been looking at myself that long...'Not that it suprised me' I thought as I put the finishing touches on my outfit and sprayed on some cologne. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs, scrambling down the stairs.

"Have mercy on me Tyler!!! I know your into fashion or whatever but you need to hurry up!! Here take this sandwich and eat it on your way to school." Mom said, all in one breath.

"Don't worry mom I'll be fine" I said, lying through my teeth. "I love you, see you after your work shift!" I said, rushing to the door and grabbing my car keys from the dining room table.

"Love you too Ty, see you later!" Mom said, cheerfully.

I headed out the door and took a deep breath, letting the brisk air clear my mind and body...This was going to be a long year.

I pushed my keys into the ignition and started off to school. As I pass through the streets to school, all the memories of junior year come creeping back.

It all started when I began hanging out with this really hot guy on the football team. We were really good friends and we were always joined at the hip. I started to develop more than crush like feelings on him and I just pushed them aside because I knew he was straight. But, unfortunately after I came to the conclusion that I had feelings for him, things got weirder and that resulted in me pushing him off. Then he got suspicious and asked me why I was ignoring him. Then, I told him the truth.

I had hoped that we'd end up living the fantasy life but, he just ran away. Then, the day after that everyone was calling me a faggot and they even wrote it on my locker. I was glad that I had friends like Hannah, Casper, Joe, and Marcus to stand up for me but, it still hurt me to the core that he would do something like this.

I did get my revenge though. On the last day of school I set up a trap. Whenever he opened his locker, tuna, skunk fluids, and animal blood would release all over him. We filmed his reaction and posted it all over the Internet and it trended worldwide.

So, now he was the joke of the school and his posse was out to get me and my 'crew'.

When I arrived at school, I found the best parking spot. I got out of the car and started walking towards the building.

There they were, waiting for me with smirks on their faces.

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