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Tyler's Pov
'Oh SHIT!' I thought as I saw them. What do I do now? I'm staring him right in the eye and he's giving me his evil smirk.

"Hey PRINCESS!" HE said, slowly inching towards me. "Damit Caspar can't you just leave me alone?!!" I pleaded, hoping that he would leave me alone.NOT.

"Not after that stunt you pulled at the end of last year... oh, you think I forgot?" Caspar said, still moving forward steadily. I said nothing. I knew this was not going to be a good day or a great year. While I was caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize he was by my ear until he started whispering.

"This is going to be the worst year if your life. That should give you plenty of time to realize that you shouldn't FUCK with Caspar Lee."

I was taken aback by his harsh words. Caspar knows I'm stronger than him and that I could beat the shit out of him. What? Just cause I'm short doesn't mean I can't fight. I've been lifting weights all summer.

"Caspar, you caused this shit by yourself...we'd still be friends i..."

"NO TYLER!! we're not friends because your gay. I don't want you checking me out, and try to rape me or something." Caspar said, cutting me off.

This sentence really hurt me. We used to be best of friends, and now we can't because Caspar won't see past his own  ego to know when a friend needs him.

"What did you just say???!!" I said, about to punch him.

"Whoah there PRINCESS... calm the fuck down. I'm just really homophobic, so you ruined this. He stopped talking, smirked at me, and waved his finger to signal his 'posse' to walk towards us. Once they got behind him he said, "One of you needs to teach this fag a lesson!"

I started to back away when he said that, as he scanned the crowed and pointed at Joey. Joey Graceffa was the strongest guy in the group, but I could still beat him.

Joey started inching towards me giving me an apologetic look. He and I used to be good friends. We would hang around Caspar and his friends, but he actually used to come over to my house and he was the first friend, that knew I was gay. I guess he didn't choose me though, maybe his popularity is more important.

"I'm sorry..." Joey said. I was just about to reply with something harsh, when I realized he wasn't talking to me. He was talking to Caspar.

"... I can't do this, Tyler was everyone's best friend in this group, even you Caspar. He was my best friend too. So, I'm staying with Tyler." Joey said with finality in his words.

"Fine, go with the fag. I'll just have to beat both of you up." He said, lunging towards me pushing me on the ground. I quickly got on top of him though, and punched him the hardest I could I'm his stomach.

"HEY! break it up guys." Said a distant voice. I recognize that voice... it's principal Knowles. She was always really nice and understanding. She even let me call her by her first name: Beyonce.

"Hey Tyler!" She said, giving me a giant hug. "What's going on here?"

"Well, Caspar was trying to beat me up, so I punched him in the stomach as a act of defense. That's why he's on the ground, grasping his stomach." I said, with a smirk on my face.

"Tyler, I expect more out of you... Violence is never the key to get your point across." She's said, with concern. "Alright everybody up! I want you all to inhale positivity, and exhale anxiety. Now everyone... leave each other alone."

Casper left with his 'posse' leaving me there with Joey. "What a shitty morning." He said.

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