3- Rises and Falls

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"So, you want to make another deal?"
Dream tapped his finger against his sword, agitated at the fools in front of him.

Tommy clenched his fist. "I want my discs back." He demanded, attempting to be intimidating, but failed in front of the king. "You can't be serious." Dreams voice was low and blunt, a voice in which would shake bones of both the living and the dead. "After giving up YOUR discs for independence, you want them back?" A small, maniac laugh escaped the mask and straight silence followed.

Tommy felt riddled with emotions.
"Do I shoot him, Will or aim for the skies?" Tommy looked at Wilbur, like a lost puppy. His eyes were brimming with tears, his lip quivered. Wilbur sighed and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, looking Tommy directly in the eyes. "Tommy, I want you to do whatever your heart says."

"You are merely children. Ignorant and demanding. You don't know the consequences. No one is playing your games." After, Dream's menacing stance finally softened and he turned to walk away, back to the main land.

"We'll do anything! Please!"

A desperate cry from Tubbo had stopped Dream in his tracks. A smirk dancing behind the mask. "Anything?" Dream questioned the 2 boys. There was a slight hesitation, the boys exchanged looks for a second. "Yes. Anything." The mutter was just audible. Dream slowly walked forward towards them again.

He handed Tommy a small blade, 4 inches but sharp. Very sharp. "I will give the discs, if you kill Tubbo. Right. Now." Dream lacked any mercy, the words rang in Tommy's ears. A gasp escaped Tubbo's lips. "And you'll give the discs?" Tommy asked, confirming the deal.

"Tommy, you can't do th-"

"Yes. I will give them to you."

Tommy's hands violently shook, unsure if it was from rage or fear. Tubbo was still. Paralyzed from the fear that he would die by the hands of his best friend.

"I'm sorry." Tommy whispered.

The early dream SMP days were simple and sweet. Memories made, friends played and a sunset to admire after each day. Tubbo and Tommy sat upon the bench, chirp playing from the jukebox. A peaceful silence between the two was enough. "Hey Tubbo?" Tommy looked at his friend, curiousity danced in his eyes. "I'm really glad you're my best friend." A smile sweeped across Tubbo's face, a bursting happiness was bubbling inside him. "We'll be by each others sides, right?" He said, his eyes were streaming with tears of joy. "Of course, through all the rises and falls."

There was the sound of metal and rock with a heavy fall accompanied. "I can't do that, Dream." Tommy looked defeated, the blade glistened in the sunset as it grazed on the grass. Tubbo was on his knees, adrenaline rushing through him. Dream sighed as he put his hood up and left silently, keeping the discs in his possession.

"Tubbo? You good?" Tommy panicked, seeing Tubbo petrified on the floor. His breathing was unsteady and eyes were dashing around the environment.

"I- I thought I was going to die." His voice was quiet, desperate and slightly relieved. Tommy quickly hugged his best friend tightly. "Why would I do that? I couldn't let you go." Tommy cried, muffled from his face being buried in Tubbo's shoulder. They both stayed there a while, gaining composure after the terrifying situation.


"Where the fu-" Wilbur Screeched, before interrupted by The man himself, Tommy. "Don't wanna know." He carried Tubbo to the bed, where he instantly fell asleep, exhausted. "Tommy, I'll say this in the nicest possible way. Where. The. FUCK. Did you go?!" Blood was boiling in the small hut in L'manburg. There was a moment of anger, before a sudden change of defeat. "We were negotiating with Dream on getting the discs back." He mumbled quietly, embarrassed if his actions.


"He wanted me to kill Tubbo for them."

"So, no discs?"

"Obviously not, Wilbur, or Tubbo would even be here!"

Wilbur sighed before looking over at the unconscious boy on the bed. "You are an absolute idiot." He muttered under his breath. "So, what's plan B, eh?" Tommy looked up, confused at the speedy mood change.

"Plan B?"

"Yes, Plan B, Am I speaking a different language?"

"Uh... It was to fight for the discs...?"

"So, start another war for the object in which stopped the first war?"


Wilbur laughed for a brief moment, rubbing his temples, almost planning ahead for anything.

"Well, Vice President. Better get planning."

End of chapter.

Hi everyone!
I hope you are enjoying the story so far, there are a lot of plot planned for this, so stay tuned for more!
Thank you for 100 reads!
If you like anything or want to suggest any potential plot, please comment, I'd love to hear it! (Yes, you will be credited if your idea is used!) ♥️♥️

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