2- Negotiation

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Weeks have past since independence was given. The boys sat in Tommy's house, thinking of a plan, literally any plan was better than the original ones.

"Tommy? I think we should just negotiate." Tubbo looked at Tommy, who was staring blankly at the empty jukebox. Tommy sighed and faced his best friend. "Well, that would be an idea, if I didn't negotiate independence with the discs in the first place." His tone was blunt, an unsettling aura filled the room.

"I mean, if negotiation doesn't work, we can then resort to the aggressive approach."

"Aggressive approach is....?"

"Killing Dream and taking the discs by force?"

Tommy let out a hysterical and manic laugh. "Am I talking to Big Crime right now?" Tommy tried to gain composure but continued to burst into laughter. Tubbo was always seen as innocent and more of a pacifist, such a suggestion would be out of character. Well, unless it was one of the alter egos.

A blank, cold expression was upon Tubbo's face. "I'm serious. You want those discs, we are getting them." It was strange to hear such a serious tone from him, but enlightening to have his best friend with him, regardless of the fight.


Dream ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair, giving a loud sigh. The day he has prepared for is approaching. The time to take back his land.

In the distance, footsteps could be heard echoing the room, inching closer and closer.
"Dream." The voice was sharp, intimidating. It surprised Dream at first, causing him to face the approaching figure. A long sleeved black top under a white short sleeved top, a crisp white bandana. "Sapnap." Dream whispered under his breath.
"I'm not stupid, Dream."
"Oh, come on. What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb with me."

It was piercing to hear such a harsh tone from a friend. Dream sighed and slid the mask to the side of his head, revealing a painted blank expression. "So, you figured it out." He smirked, causing Sapnap to take a small step back. "Making George the next in line? Trying to take about the SMP with manipulat-" Sapnap was cut off by a loud noise, as dream punched the wall. The noise echoed through the room. "What did you expect me to do? Sit back? All my chess pieces are in place." Dream glared at Sapnap, a sharp glare which you could feel the burning anger, bubbling inside him. "And what after? What about US?" Sapnap's voice raised louder after every word. Tension was suffocating, but the sensation felt... Right...

"You will not be affected. I will assure that."

"How can you be sure?"

"I've formulated the plan. No errors. Nothing."

"And what? Leave the rest of them like disposable puppets?!"

Silence is golden. Sometimes, silence is the only answer to questions. Dream kept quiet, eye contact maintained with Sapnap. He knew that it was for the best, even if it meant hurting others. He studied Sapnap's face for a moment. He could see tears forming in his eyes, slowly falling down his face. It was heartbreaking to watch. It was painful.

"6:00pm" Sapnap finally broke the silence. "6:00pm. Tommy and Tubbo want to negotiate." His voice wavered as tears continued to stream down his face. Dream motioned Sapnap to come over, in which he ran into Dream's arms and hugged him tightly, sobbing loudly. "Everything will be alright." He whispered into Sapnap's ear.


"He's late." Tommy paced back and forth, outside of the walls of L'manburg. Tubbo was sat down, back against the wall. The sunset glowed across the horizon, a beautiful moment worth treasuring. "Tubbo?" Tommy looked to his best friend, who just snapped out of his daze. "Am I doing the right thing?" Doubt creeped upon his shoulders, hoping for any reassurance would escape Tubbo's lips. Tubbo merely smiled innocently,
"Ya know? I think so."
A silence settled between them.
"Thanks, Buddy."
A small exchange of smiles then interrupted by a figure, lurking within the shadows.

"So, you want to make another deal?"

To be continued in the next chapter...

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