1- The Grand Plan

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"Tommy! Are you insane?!"
Tubbo's shouting could be heard from the farthest corners of the SMP. The panic is his eyes said it all.

"Are you really going to try and get the discs that YOU gave to them for OUR independence?" Tubbo's level of concern almost scared Tommy. He knew it was a selfish plan but those discs held too much sentiment to let go.

"Tubbo, you don't understand! I NEED them! I wanted freedom for us, but these discs...." Tommy hesitated for a moment. He exhales slowly to relax slightly. "I just can't trust him with them." They stared at each other for a moment before a small sigh escaped Tubbo. "You know I'll be with you regardless. We'll get those discs back."

Tommy looked in shock for a moment and a smile wiped across his face.

"Thanks, Tubbo."

The sun that swept across the sky, finally was setting on the land. The sky had a light orange glow as the blanket of blue started covering Dream SMP.

As the night continued, mobs were wondering the land, ready to attack any of the players.


"You gave them independence for some discs?" George raised an eyebrow as Dream inspected his most valued item before making eye contact with George.

They were gazing on SMP from a high hill, dream sat upon the cliff and took in the view.

"These discs are extremely undervalued. They are an extremely key part of the plan."

"Wait, what plan?"

"George, remember that you are next in line for Dream SMP and you'll soon realise what I mean."

George's body language instantly changed at those words. He seemed almost nervous at the thought of ruling. Dream took notice of George's behaviour and gave a small sigh. Dream gestured for George to sit beside him, in which he obeyed. Dream was with his mask beside him and George rested his glasses on his head.


George quickly looked at Dream, curiousity and confusion was riddled in his expression, which Dream just gave a small laugh. After years of being together, there was always some things that they never asked about nor needed to. Sometimes, it's better to be ignorant.

"Will you ever tell us your 'genius' plan?" George joked quietly.

"Oh come on...." Dream laughed, giving a gentle elbow to George before giving a small smile. "It'll all make sense soon. I promise." Dream looked down at the discs, thoughts and ideas were flooding his mind.



"Right, here's the plan!" Tommy reveals over 5 books, each labelled plan A, B, C, Dream and Tubbo's Alter Ego List.

"A list of my alter egos?" Tubbo questioned, picking up the book and flicking through the pages.
"Yeah, you have so many, I have lost count...." He laughed as he quickly takes the book back. Tubbo started to look through the other books, but unfortunately, he couldn't read any of them.

"Uh... Tommy? Can you just say what your plan is rather than making me read 4 books?"

"Why? It's not that hard, Tubbo."

"I can't read."

"Oh yeah.... Sorry about that."

Tommy picked up the 1st book and cleared his throat.

"Stab the Green Man, retrieve the discs. Mission complete."

"... Seriously?"

"If Wilbur got away with writing 'YOOOOOOOOOO SUCK IT GREEN BOY' in the declaration of independence, I think my plan is..."


Tubbo crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow. Unimpressed is an understatement. Tommy gave a small awkward chuckle, before throwing the book out of their sight.

"You need to have a proper plan, Tommy. He is extremely smart and won't let you walk all over him." Tubbo sighed. He faced away, towards the window, gazing on L'manburg's walls. "Arson." A evil smirk spread across Tubbo's face.

"Excuse me?"


"Tubbo, are you alright?"

"Set his house on fire. What's he going to do?"

"Well, knowing Dream, he'll destroy L'manburg."

A small stare and silence was shared among the two before bursting into laughter


Dream smiled to himself, humming the tune of 'Mellohi' as he finished planning the secret underground system.
"They made a mistake when they gave me those discs." He smiled, admiring his work.

"And soon, they'll find out why."

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