Paris Berelc

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*This was moved from my Multi-Fandom Book*

*Imagine her catching Bradley Perry flirting with you and not realizes you were already taken (Though is gonna be completely respectful at the end cause we don't support toxic masculinity here in this household)*

"Hey y/n!" You hear Bradley say which makes you turn around and smile at him

"Oh hey brad! Watcha need?" You asked wondering why your friend who you just saw a while ago needed you

"uh i-i just wanted to say y-you look really pretty today." He says nervously as you look at him in confusion

Unbeknownst to you, your girlfriend turns around looking at brad from behind him even more confused

Unbeknownst to you, your girlfriend turns around looking at brad from behind him even more confused

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"Uh thanks brad." You said a little awkwardly but still giving him a smile which made him smile

Your girlfriend comes up behind brad as you just take notice of her but choose to ignore why she's there, because it doesnt look like she's there to be nice

Your girlfriend comes up behind brad as you just take notice of her but choose to ignore why she's there, because it doesnt look like she's there to be nice

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"uh yeah i just thought id tell you cause i really liked y-your outfit." He continues to say to you nervously, as your girlfriend just looks unimpressed at his attempts to flirt with you, which you being the oblivious person you are didn't realise yet

"Uh yeah thank you brad, i really like my outfit too." You say still confused on whats going on

"Uh yeah i just wanted to tell you that you looked nice today yeah." He said a little unsure of his words as if he had no idea what he was doing

Once again your girlfriend just looks at him with this look of cringe his attempted flirting

She almost felt bad for him but then remembered who he was flirting with but then he begins to say something else

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She almost felt bad for him but then remembered who he was flirting with but then he begins to say something else

As brad gains more confidence now he just decides to go for it

"y/n i didnt just come over here for that, i came over here to ask you out on a date, um would you go out with me?" He said hopefully

You felt bad you'd have to let him down but you were already taken

"look brad you're a great guy and its totally not you its just that im taken already." You said sadly frowning at how his shoulders and smile dropped

"oh ok, i guess that's fair but if you don't mind me asking out of curiosity who are dating?" He said just genuinely wanting to know

"Me!" Your girlfriend said finally saying something scaring the life out of brad

"Wait really? You too?" Brad said shocked

"Yeah got a problem with that Perry?" Paris said defensively

"Oh no no no! I don't have a problem with it i was just shocked thats all . . . . You know it actually makes sense now." Brad said chuckling a little as he realised all the signs were there

"Im happy for you guys, and again y/n i apologize i didnt know." Brad said sweetly

"It's ok Brad don't worry you'll find someone who will love and cherish you for the awesome guy you are!" You said hugging your friwnd as he hugged you back

"Thanks y/n oh and sorry paris." he said sheepishly

"Its ok but if i ever see you attempting *and failing* to flirt with her again im cutting you fingers off." She said intimidatingly

He just nods and runs away

"Dont you think that was a bit much?" You ask slightly smirking at her actions, she'd always been the protective type

"Nope not at all, now let's go home im ready to watch movies and go to bed filming has left me exhausted!"

You laughed at her, what werebyou gonna do with her.

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