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harvey's pov:

AFTER WE WENT ice skating, we all walked back to katie's house to watch a movie.

a christmas movie to be precise.

it's finally december so that means i can force my friends into watching the grinch everyday till christmas.

when we got inside katie's house, we all took our shoes off.

claire hates people wearing shoes inside of the house.

"ok guys go sit down i'll make us some popcorn" katie said, walking over to the kitchen.

"where's claire?" chloe asked, noticing claire's bag and shoes were gone.

"oh yeah she's out with some of her friends at a work party" katie explained.

"who would've thought, julie williams the party animal" i laughed.

"yeah when my mum says party, i think it means going over to her friends house for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake" katie pointed out.

"oh now that makes sense" elisha stated.

"i'm really gonna miss you when we leave" i heard cait say to tom.

"no don't bring that up cos i'll cry in front of everyone like a loser" tom replied.

"oops" cait laughed and sat down on the sofa, tom fell next to her.

"i'll miss you a lot though" cait whispered, but we all still heard her.

tom smiled and put his arm around cait, kissing her head.

i turned to look at katie in the kitchen, who was attempting to make popcorn in the microwave, but failing.

i mean, it's not that hard to microwave popcorn.

pippa and freddie could probably do it better than her.

speaking of pippa and freddie, i bet tills is at home forcing them to play dress up with her.

then it hit me.

i go back home in 4 days.

i have 4 days

to tell katie that-

no never mind it's stupid.


ok i caught feelings

but i don't think i ever lost them in the first place..

i have to do something

"ok um lads" i whispered.

"harvey why are you whispering?" max asked with a concerned look on his face.

"do you need a cough sweet?" dobby offered.

yes dobby randomly had a cough sweet in his pocket.

"no i'm whispering because katie can't hear what i'm about to say" i laughed.

"and now that is my queue to be scared" hannah added, sitting up in her seat and moving closer to me to hear.

"so stay with me on this one"

"oh god harvey for the last time, we are not buying you a pet alpaca" tom interrupted.

nothing like us - harvey mills Where stories live. Discover now