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katie's pov:

"where the fuck are the skittles??" ana whispered as we scanned through each isle of tesco.

"will you calm down, people are staring" i laughed.

"i'm sorry but this bloody shop stresses me out more than it should"

"yeah i realised that"

"oh they might be down this way" she grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

"i can walk you know, i don't need to be pulled along"

"yeah but you're too slow"

"i am not a slow walker" i argued and watched ana pick up 4 packets of skittles.

i looked at my phone to see if i had any messages from taylor saying 'lilli is threatening to throw harvey out the window' or something.

but there was no missed calls or messages.

things must be going smoothly over there then.

i hope.

"uh katie don't freak out" ana raised her eyebrows as she looked behind me.

"if you say that, i now feel like i have to freak out" i stressed.

"just um don't turn around"

"well now i'm obviously gonna have to turn around" i rolled my eyes and slowly turned around.

and there stood was the devil herself.

grace gibson.

she was in the isle across from ours, looking at the baby clothes.

of course she was.

"shit shit shit shit we have to leave now" i panicked and turned back around.

ana picked up 2 more packets of skittles "ok let's just quickly go pay for these"

"oh god i'm gonna have a frickin panic attack why the fuck is she here" i started to feel sick again.

"katie it's ok she won't see- nope i spoke too soon we've been spotted" ana bit her bottom lip.

"SHIT NO YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING" i whispered, my back still to grace.

"oh my god i don't believe it, is that katie williams?" grace shouted as she made our way over to us.

i put on a fake smile and turned around reluctantly.

"sure is! hi!" i replied.

"awwhh katie i'm so sorry for what i did to you in the past, i was such a dick, but now i'm a changed person, you know with me gonna be a parent in 9 months and everything, taylor did tell you right?" she asked and reached for a bar of chocolate to put in her basket.

"i uhh yeah she did..." i scratched my neck and moved back so she could pick up the chocolate that i was standing in front of.

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