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harvey's pov:

days went by and i still hadn't heard from anyone.

max has been avoiding me at home, he was pretty mad with me too, but i don't blame him, i'm an awful person.

i overheard max telling tilly that katie was pretty sad at the minute, it's all my fault.

i'm such a dickhead, i need to fix it.

i don't know how i'm going to, but i'm gonna try.

christmas is supposed to be a happy time right?

everyone is supposed to come round to my house for christmas dinner later so we can exchange gifts, mum was nice enough to offer to cook for everyone.

i just don't think everyone is gonna show up though.

in my defence, i wasn't necessarily dating katie at the time when it all happened, but i still should've never done it, because i knew that i had no feelings for grace at all.

i never have. i was a shitty enough person to just use grace.

but as selfish as it sounds, i really hope i'm not the dad.

grace texted me about it yesterday and it was all starting to hit me.

i messed up so bad.

i just want her back.

i want all of them back.

"HARVEY GET UP ITS CHRISTMAS DAY FOR GOD SAKE" mum screamed up the stairs.

i've basically just been living in my bed for these past few days.

"IM COMING" i shouted back and i climbed out of my bed a slowly forced myself to walk down the stairs.

"oh i forgot we had another son" dad joked as this is probably his first time seeing me in days.

"merry christmas darling" mum kissed me on the cheek.

"merry christmas mum" i replied and sat on the sofa next to leo.


"why don't you just open them all at the same time?" dad suggested, earning a stressed look from mum at the fact we would all probably be screaming, mainly tilly.

"YAY OKK" tills jumped and ran to her corner of presents.

after all of the screaming and shouting over christmas presents we were opened.

tilly got a new scooter off mum and dad.

leo got a new phone and max and i got some new clothes.

after that it was about 11am and mum was stressing in the kitchen whilst we were all talking in the living room.

she likes to be left alone when stressed..

nothing like us - harvey mills Where stories live. Discover now