epilogue - Wedding day

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1month later

Xiao zhan's POV

"Shh shh, baby mama needs to get ready, please stop crying" i lull him back to sleep.
Let me introduce you all to my two little angels ayuan and luhan. These two little angels can be real devil sometimes just like today. Luhan my younger one, two minutes younger than ayuan has decided not to let me go today. I am so tired. The minute i lay him down, he starts crying and then i have to let him suck my breast again and again for him to fall asleep again. And this has been a difficult task for me because right now i am in my wedding tux ready to walk in aisle any minute with my dad but as i try to give luhan to li-jie he cries. So i have decided to carry him in my arms. I am sure that i will be the first bride to walk on aisle with a month old baby in my hands.

With luhan in my arms, i walk out on aisle and beautiful melody plays signaling my arrival to guest and by look of it, everyone is shocked to see me carrying a baby in my hands as we haven't announced the arrival of babies yet to anyone other than family and today we were planning to do so, but i guess these two wanted their entry in their own style.

Now one good thing came out of this was that i didn't get the time to be nervous. Yeah i wasn't pacing around and babbling shit like normally happens. I was busy taking care of my son.

And from looks of yibo's tired expression, it looks like he had no different experience. See i told you when my little angels want to be devil they cause havoc for us. Yibo is also holding ayuan in his arms and by looks of it he is playing instead of sleeping. I walk towards the stage and my dad gives my hand to wang yibo as the tradition goes.

"Take care of my son yibo, he might be strong on iutside but he is still a glass on inside and might break if hurt. I am trusting my son to you. You both have my blessing". Father tells yibo while giving my hand to him and then walks of to take seat in audience.

"Now we shall begin with ceremony" priest announces and come towards us with a book in his hand.

"Do you xiao zhan take wang yibo to your lawfully wedded husband?" Priest ask me. I can see nervousness on yibo's face. I smile and say"I do".

"Do you wang yibo take xiao zhan to be your lawfully wedded husband?".
"I Do". He speaks while smiling at me.

"Now you both may take your vows"

"I, xiao zhan, take thee,wang yibo, to be my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith". I take my vows fisrt and then pass mike to yibo.

"I, wang yibo, take thee, xiao zhan, to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith". Wang yibo takes his vows and i can't help but laugh when he says wife in his vows while wiggling his eyebrows at me to tease me.

Now comes the ring part and my jie and my brother comes forward with two velvet boxes which have our rings.

"You may now exchange your rings".
We exchange our rings and everyone claps and cheers some throwing party poppers. I smile seeing everyone together a mnd happy.

"By the power vested upon me, i hereby pronounce you both as husband and husband, you may kiss the bride now." priest announces us as husband and husband. And as we were about to kiss. Both the babies woke up and started crying and we looked at eachother and burst out laughing.
We kissed their cheeks together and they started giggling while all of the guest shake the heads seeing the notorious twins.

We come down the stage and hand the twins to jie and my brother and go for cake cutting and our first dance and then, as we planned we went to our honeymoon and though it was two weeks honeymoon, we had cut short it to week because i kind of missed my babies and couldn't bare to stay away.

Wang yibo also understood as he himself was feeling same so we went back after a week.

Hello guyzzz i have updated today 2 chapters and though you guyzz didn't comment on whether you want wedding ceremony or not i still posted it. Now its officially over.

I hope you enjoyed. Goodbye to this book now and good night. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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