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Wang yibo's pov:

I am about to take a risk and i know that if i fail i will also fail the mission but there is only one way to get near boss and that is to become one of his trusted men. Today i am about to meet my squad who i have trusted to provide me with information of all the properties,security system and base of the boss.

"What's the progress" i ask one of the member of hacker team who is hacking all cctv's in and out of the base. "Boss I am ready, I can only get you 30 min. At max to reach and create havoc in his base,then you are own your own" the senior of hacker team zhou cheng replies. I nod to him and proceed to check on my arms and armour and then I am all set.

You might be thinking that why i am about to destroy his base when i want to become one of his trusted men. It is not as easy as walking in and train upto becoming one of his best trusted men and we dont have that much time so i have planned to challenge his security and his best men and then pledge my loyalty to him and protecting him that way i will be near him and accomplish my mission. But what i am about to do is sucide mission as entering his base is invading a country alone and creating havoc.

" Ok I am all set and ready, what's the status now, jili update me with current position of all guards and zhou cheng hack all camera's when i give you the signal through my microphone, that should be enough for me to enter his base, after that all of you pack up and retreat as soon as possible and i don't want any casualties. Am i clear officers" "Yes sir"

After giving instruction I come out of the mini bus cum base station from where we have been geeting ready to attack.

Author's pov:

After wang yibo leaves the station he rums towards the nearby tree to observe if anybody is following him. After checking for 10 mins. He runs straight to outer area of the territory which is laced with gunman. He takes a black cloth from his clothes and fills it with grenade and throws it on the warehouse of ammunition and that causes a huge blast and in choas of preventing the other blast which happens in next 5 seconds yibo escapes the the outer area and enters the inner layer of security which is filled with men professional in hand combat. That is very easy for him as he can compete and make them loose consciousness all in 15 mins. Now as he enters the base he give signals to zhou cheng to hack all camers and jili to warn him about all the positions of guards in and around the base. As he enters the base he hears muffled cries and shouts from door to his left but before he can do anything guards spot him and he gets busy in fighting them.
After 22 mins. he has successfully entered and the base and is now being held down by men of the boss.

Mafia boss's pov:

I am in basement again. I love being here as i can fulfill all my fantasies here with my toy xiao zhan. He is such a fragile being and breaking him gives me pleasure when he screams that feels like sweet honey to my ears that i can't stop till he passes out and i have to leave cause there is no fun if he is quiet.

Right now i am about to enter him and have my fun. "Master plzz don't it hurts ahh please it hurts" , I thrust again and again and i am about to release when one of my trusted men comes down running and panting.

"How dare you enter my basement without permission and interrupt me"
I shout in anger and about to continue when i see xiao zhan has fainted and that makes me annoyed. "This better be important or i will personally torture you till u beg me for death" I shout in anger. I see him tremble and i smirk.
"Boss someone has entered the base and he has destroyed all the security system outside and even our best men were unable to catch him but now he willingly submits and only willing to talk to you". As I think about it i cant help but feel myself smirking 'interesting'. A single man who destroyed my security system and now only wants to talk to me.

As i am going to where the man is held i can't help but think 'how is it possible for a single man without backup to come in my base'. I order my men to go check the nearby areas and search for any clue if this man has backup . He immediately leaves.

I enter the room to see a man bloody and bruised tied to a chair. I smirk while walking towards him and tell him to talk.
"U call your security top but only a single person as i am is able to destroy it and if i didn't willingly submit u know what i could do"
"I just have one condition and i acn pledge my loyalty and ensure ur safety if u agree with me". I stare at him trying to intimidate him but he just smirks. So i laugh and ask him," why would i listen to you i could just kill you". He laughs and replies,"Do you think these ropes can stop me from killing you, but i am willing to give my loyalty on one condition". I Won't lie i am amused and i ask him his condition as he could be a good asset to me when Gov't of china is on my ass. "Alright what is your condition?" He smirks,"I knew u would give in, i just ask for a position to be your right hand man and i pledge my loyalty and ur safety".

I think for sometime and then order my men,"Release him and take him to my penthouse upstairs and get him treated" i turn around and tell him "I accept your conditions Welcome to my gang . U haven't introduced yourself yet". "Ian wangji".

I nod at him left to go basement to see if i can continue my fun but to my bad luck he still not conscious, so i just turn around leave and sleep for now.

Hii i updated new chapter i hope u guyzz enjoy it

'Wangxiao are about to meet are u excited'?

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