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Father Carden: I hate when Wicklow says "Are you even listening to me?" 

Father Carden: It's such a random way to start a conversation.

Uther Pendragon: What did you do!?

Merlin: I'm not drunk enough to recount the tale.

Merlin: *downs his entire wineskin

Merlin: Okay! Here we go! 

Mogwan: If I get shot, do I own the arrow? Can I keep it? 

Morgana: What was the most inspiring thing I've ever said to you?

Arthur: "Don't be an idiot." Changed my life. 

Squirrel: You're ready for this. You're a hero, and heroes get back up.

Gawain: These are all inspiring and valid points. Just one minor problem.

Squirrel: What's that?

Gawain: I can't move. 

Pym: Wait a minute! Are we hugging? Have we done this before?

Red Spear: No. If you tell anyone, I'll slit your throat. 

Lady Lunete: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying. 

Lancelot: Isn't the idea that I saved your life, and now you owe me a debt?

Squirrel: No, it's the other way around. You saved my life, now I'm your problem. 

Merlin: If you have any suggestions about my teaching methods, feel free to put them in the Suggestion Box.

Nimue: That's a paper shredder.

Merlin: Exactly. 

Dof: I need to get something off my chest.

Pym: Is it your armor? Please say it is. 

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