"What—Oh! Yup, we're leaving," Bella said with a grin, getting up and winking at Ivy dramatically. Ivy threw a pillow at her as she walked out the door.

"Ugh, so suggestive," Ivy said with an annoyed but red face as she flopped on the bed, lying down. Remus smiled, standing over her. "Remus, when is your homework due."


"It's Sunday! I thought it was due tomorrow or something! Is it that Potions thing?" Ivy yelled, waving her hands around. Remus laughed.

"Yes, it's the Potions thing. I need to get a head start."

"No you don't," Ivy said, sitting up on her bed and poking a finger on his chest. "You are perfectly caught up. If I were you, I probably wouldn't have even started that Potions thing."

"Ivy we're in the same class, I know for a fact you've already finished it," Remus said with a smile, causing Ivy to struggle for words.

"Yeah, well, that's different, you're taking fewer classes than me," She managed to stutter out. He laughed.

She got up from the bed and stacked the books neatly, humming as she did so. She turned around to face Remus, who was watching her with a small smile. She had on a Ravenclaw sweater and a pair of sweatpants, plus white socks.

Before Ivy could turn back around and tidy up her room, Remus wrapped her in a hug. She was stiff at first before relaxing into it, breathing out.

"Ivy, what are we?" Remus asked pensively. Ivy was quiet for a few seconds as she contemplated his question.

"I don't really know," Ivy said, her words muffled from her face being buried into his chest.

"Would I call you my girlfriend...?" Remus asked, causing Ivy to gasp and bring her head out from his chest quickly, accidentally head-butting him in the chin.

"Girl—?! Sorry, Girlfriend?!" Ivy said, stopping during her sentence to touch his chin gently on where she hit it.

"Would you rather me call you my boyfriend?" Remus asked jokingly with a smirk, causing her to roll her eyes as he laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with me being your... girlfriend, and I would honestly like to, it's just weird to me. I have to remind myself that we're 'more than friends' or whatever," Ivy said with a smile. He laughed.

"If you don't want to, then we don't have to put a label on us," Remus said. Ivy blushed, looking away and hoping he wouldn't notice that she was all flustered. But he did.

"Yeah, I want to. Does that mean I'd call you my boyfriend?" Ivy asked with a gasp. He laughed, pulling her back into the hug.

"Yes. You're funny," He said as he chuckled. Ivy felt the vibrations of his laughter as she wrapped her arms around him. She poked him in the side, scoffing.

"Shut up. It's just strange. I've never had a boyfriend."

"Me neither."

        "What, you've never had a boyfriend?" Ivy said. He could hear the smile through her voice. He laughed.

        "Surprisingly no," He said with a smile. Ivy sighed, breaking apart from the hug and cleaning up her room a bit. Remus sat down on the edge of the bed, watching her grab the pillow that she had thrown and put it back on her bed. She walked over, sitting next to him.

"Well, would you like to get back to work?" Ivy asked, reaching for the book before he stopped her.

"No, I can finish it tomorrow," Remus said with a smile. Ivy beamed.

"Good," She flopped back on the bed. He laid beside her, throwing an arm around her waist and resting his face in the crook of her neck.

"Your hair smells good," Remus said quietly. Ivy couldn't help but blush.


He leaned up from where he was laying to look at her. Her hair was splayed out on the blue bedsheets, her cheeks a light pink color. Her blue eyes looked into his brown ones.

Remus blinked. He thought she looked beautiful. "Can I kiss you?"

Remus didn't mean to say that aloud. Ivy blinked, her already pink cheeks turning a shade darker. "Yes."

Remus leaned in, hesitantly pressing his lips against hers. She ran a hand over his bicep as he placed his hand on her waist. He deepened the kiss, causing Ivy to sit up and readjust themselves.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his as they kissed. Placing a light hand on her thigh, she ran her hands through his hair.

What started out as a slow and soft kiss turned into a make-out session, both trying to hold and touch each other as much as possible. Remus kissed down her neck, choosing a spot to leave a hickey. Ivy couldn't stop the sigh that escaped her lips.

He moved back to her lips, her hands cupping his face. Ivy ended up getting dangerously close to sitting in his lap before they broke apart, both breathing heavily, hair messed up.

"My lip gloss is like, all over your face," Ivy said with a smile, wiping his lips off, their breaths still ragged.

"I don't care," Remus said, smiling. He traced a hand over the love bite he just made. "...Oops."

She grabbed the mirror on her nightstand and looked in it. There was a faint purple mark. She laughed.

"Gee. I guess I'll wear a turtleneck sweater for a few days."

He rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Ha... sorry." She waved a hand.

"It's fine. I liked it." She looked away, her cheeks pink. "But we should go join the others. It's been a while away from them."

She put on a green turtleneck sweater before they left. They walked down the stairs and through the castle, chatting idly as they did so. Remus let her in the Gryffindor common room. She stepped in timidly, looking around the red and gold decorations.

        Remus opened the door. "Hello."

        They walked in. Ivy gave a nod and a smile to the group, sitting next to Remus on his bed.

        "Where've you two been?" Fabian asked, gesturing between Ivy and Remus, which caused the rest of the room to turn and look at them.

        "Studying," Remus said shortly.

        The group shared a collective glance to one another. Fabian raised an eyebrow with a teasing smirk. "Studying? Like, actually studying or studying? If you catch my drift."

         Marlene gasped, pointing a shaky finger. "They've been snogging! You can tell!"

Ivy didn't know how Marlene was able to tell, but she damned her and the intuition she was gifted with.

"...No," Ivy said unbelievably. Clapping her hands to change the subject, she looked at the group and ignored the smirks from everyone. "What have you five been up to?"

"A lot of nothing," James groaned, laying out on his bed and on top of Peter, who shoved him off of himself. "I'm so bored!"

They laughed, picking up a conversation and cracking jokes. It was a very lazy Sunday.


obliviate || remus lupinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें