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It was the first quidditch practice of the season. Ivy walked out onto the field, her athletic clothes on, a broom in her hand, and ready to play. John was there, waiting for everyone else. So was one of the chasers and Adam.

        "So, Ivy, you ready to play? I can help you if you need it, since it is your first year on the team," Adam said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. She brushed him off and scowled.

        "I don't need your help, Andrews," Ivy said icily as the one of the girl chaser's smacked him on the arm.

        "Don't be a creep!" She hissed, frowning at him. Ivy felt herself relax a bit. "I'm sorry about my brother. He just thinks you're attractive. He's also a numbskull."

Ivy nodded as she smiled, blushing a bit at her words. John walked into the locker room. "Let's get started."

        They all had to fly a few laps, then they worked in different stations. Ivy had to hit golf balls at moving targets. It seemed like he used golf balls for everything.

        In the end, they played a scrimmage. Ivy did pretty well, and she was feeling more confident about quidditch than when she started.

        They all walked back into the castle together, and to their dorms. Ivy went straight to the shower. She took off her clothes and jumped in, washing her hair and body to get rid of all the sweat.

        She got in her bed and went straight to sleep.


It was time for the first quidditch game, which was two weeks after their first practice. Ivy felt unprepared. She paced back and forth in her blue and bronze robes. It was still a bit too early to go to breakfast. After minutes of worrying pointlessly, she decided to walk to breakfast even if it's a bit early.

Their first match was against Gryffindor, which was horrible. Ivy saw how serious James took quidditch and how good their team was.

She walked timidly to the Ravenclaw table and sat next to John. John was laughing and eating with other people. Ivy was too scared to do anything.

"Eat. It'll give you strength. And don't be scared. Gryffindor may be... tough, but we could beat them if we try hard enough." John said weakly as Ivy nibbled on a piece of toast.

They all walked to the locker rooms to prepare for the game. Ivy felt like she was going to vomit.

John gave a small speech before it was time to fly out. She heard the rumble of the Hogwarts students. First, the chasers all flew out, circling the field. Next was the beaters. Ivy hopped on her broom as the commentator called out their names.

"Now for the beaters: Ivy Scott and Adam Andrew! Both single, and I think ready to mingle," The commentator exclaimed. Ivy realized it was Sirius. She breathed out and got in her position.

"I want a nice game. Play!" Madam Hooch yelled as she released the bludgers and threw up the quaffle. The bludger came zooming at one of the Ravenclaw chasers immediately. Ivy pushed her broom as fast as she could towards that chaser. She hit it away from her and tried to hit it towards James. She felt a bit guilty when it hit his ankle.

"Oh, nice hit from Ivy! Saved their chaser Ava Andrew, and fired it at James Potter!" Sirius said. She could feel McGonagall rolling her eyes.

Gryffindor shot towards their keeper, but he blocked it. Ivy felt a rush of happiness. Maybe they could win this.

She found the bludger and hit it towards their seeker. It barely missed. It came circling back around to their seeker. Ivy started to rush over there before Adam got there first. He fired it at Dorcas Meadows. It hit her on the arm. Ivy smiled and went to high five Adam.

Eventually, Ravenclaw scored. They cheered as high fives were passed around. Ivy hit the bludgers away and towards the Gryffindor team. About twenty minutes had passed, and the score was forty to twenty, Ravenclaw in the lead.

The Gryffindor captain called time. The two teams ran over towards the locker room.

        "Okay, we're doing pretty good. We just need to catch the snitch." John said. Ivy's heart pounded as she flew back into her position.

        A few minutes had passed, and the Gryffindor seeker had spotted the snitch. Ivy went over to the nearest Bludger and whacked it at their seeker. It hit him on his arm, and he slowed down a great deal. The Ravenclaw seeker reached out—

        "One hundred-ninety to twenty, Ravenclaw wins," Sirius said, a bit disappointed. Ivy pumped a fist in the air. They all ran over and John hugged their seeker.

       "Nice hit, Ivy! We wouldn't have won without you!" John exclaimed as she received a high five.

        Of course, a win against the quite renown Gryffindor would be nothing without an after party.

        Later that night, they had a celebration in the common room. Ivy's roommates were there, along with some others who supported the quidditch team. There wasn't that many, since the majority of Ravenclaws were more interested in academics than sports.

          Ivy managed to talk to some, before retiring to her dorm early, her head swarming with thoughts of the game.

          As she began to doze off to sleep, she realized one plain fact that shouldn't be a big deal.

        Remus was there.

        Remus was at the game. He watched her play. Ivy sighed at her brain for thinking these paranoid thoughts. She wondered if she played good. Wondered if Remus thought she performed well. With all this thinking, she now became oddly aware of the noise from the common room. The sound of the clock ticking. She groaned softly, sitting up in bed and looking at the time. It wasn't even that late.

        Ivy thought more of Remus, her quiet classmate and friend. Since when did she care so much about what Remus thought? Or anyone, for that matter?

          Trying her best to forget these annoying thoughts, she laid back down, rolling over and slowly going to sleep. As much as she tried to ignore her thoughts, they kept going back to Remus.


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