Chapter 6

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After the USJ incident, Aizawa told class 1A about how he found Izuku aswell as the past Izuku had. All of the students couldn't believe what they heard. They were shocked to say the least. They all knew something must have happend to make Izuku the way he was but they never expected him to have such a past. Even Bakugo was shocked, he didn't think Izuku would've gotten a quirk in a natural way but this was something he never thought of.

After the incident, Izuku had been unconcious for days and woke up saturday in the evening.

"Ugh, what the hell? where am i?" He asked weakly as he looked around. "Ah you finnaly woke up, You are in my office" Recovery girl stated as she showed herself to him. "So i'm alive?" Izuku asked. "You sure are. Is that so surprising?" She asked. "Well, considering what that Nomu did,yeah it's surprising, i didn't think he'd stop" Izuku answered. "Well, he didn't. All might saved you, you were barelly alive when he brought you here" She explained.

"How long have i been asleep for?" he then asked. "A few days, it's still saturday" she answered. "It seems i really took my sweet time waking up" Izuku sighed. "well, actually i'm surprised you woke up already, i thought you would be out for a bit longer but you actually woke up already" she answered. "guess the torture had a use for something" he answered scratching the back of his head.

"They know" She suddenly said as Izuku slightly frowned for a second. "Well, they would find out eventually, either that or they would suspect too much and wouldn't leave without an answer" Izuku said as he laid back on his bed. "After you were brought here, i managed to heal you. The students however all were confused by the way you acted before, how you fought and how you almost gave up" she explained.

"Eventually, Aizawa and Nezu explained your past to all of them. How you were tortured, how they forced quirks on you aswell as project Nomu, actually everything you told us was told to them. However they were all asked to keep it a secret from other students and the outside world" She explained. "I see, well i guess i should go and apologize for keeping it from them and worrying them like that" Izuku sighed.

"Well, you are more talkactive then you were before and you seem less sad" Recovery girl stated. "You think so?" Izuku asked. "It's probably because of your new friends, Aizawa told me you showed more emotion in that incident" she explained. "You make it sound so depressing" Izuku said. "Watching you like that actually was" she answered. "thanks for that" Izuku said as they both slightly chuckled.

Izuku barelly woke up but already showed more emotion then he did the past years. Izuku then shifted to the side of his bed. He wanted to get up and walk back to the dorm, however when he tried standing on his feet he was about to fall to the ground. Before he fell on the ground someone caught him from falling, and when he looked around he saw Mirko with a calm and gentle smile. "About time you woke up. You scared us" she stated.

"Yeah i figured as much, thanks for catching me though" Izuku said which actually surprised Mirko. She thought he would be back to how he was before but he actually acted kind towards her. "I can see the surprise and confusion in your eyes, i know it'll take time, but i want to open up. I Always closed myself off because i thought i couldn't trust others and that i needed to do things myself" Izuku explained.

"I thought if i trusted someone again, things like the torture and such would happen again, but that's not the case, i know it isn't with you guys" he added. "It will take time, but i want to trust you and get to know you better Mirko, and not just you, but all of class 1A" he added. "Well that Nomu must've hit you really hard if you start talking like that so suddenly" she answered "You could just tell me if you don't want that" Izuku joked.

"Even making jokes now? you sure you are the real Izuku?" She asked with a laugh. "Well who knows, maybe he slammed some sense into me" Izuku chuckled. "Can you 2 lovebirds continue that at the dorm? i want to go back aswell" Recovery girl joked as Mirko blushed and Izuku just looked confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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