The Worst Timing Possible

Start from the beginning

Of course she won't look at you, you're pathetic.

He didn't know what he would see in Hermione's eyes anyway if she had met his, and wasn't sure if he wanted to see them now.

Don't you dare give up now, he ordered himself. You will not let yourself snivel and cringe. Stand up. Stand up for her.

Draco stood wobbling.

"Like hell she is," he ground out lowly, despite everything, despite the fact that she had just cut him he still stood up for her, on her side against his mother. 

He stood and squared off towards his mother.

"You know what will happen to her if she does. Some deatheater is going to come wandering in and Rape her."

"And you only want her for yourself," Narcissa said and Draco heard the judgement and venom in his mother's voice. Draco's chest tightened knowing his mother could think him capable of such things.

Draco saw the tears in his mother's eyes. She was holding her hand near her chest and rubbing it. He could see that she hated herself for losing control. That she hated herself for hitting him. She hated that he had put himself in danger again but behind that and beyond everything she hated what she believed he had done.

Narcissa Malfoy loved her son beyond anything in the world and it was ripping her apart from the inside out how her baby boy had done something Narcissa had always spoken fiercely against. 

He couldn't stand her thinking of him like that.

Couldn't stand his mother believing that she was protecting someone who was capable of rape.

"I haven't had her yet," Draco finally shot back.

The words burst from his lips. His cheek burned, and he felt hot all over, but words burned out of him. He didn't give a damn what his father thought of him, but his was killing her what she thought he had done as much as it was killing him to see that look in her eyes.

"Is that so?" Greyback's voice echoed from the top of the stairs and Draco's spine went ridged.


The timing for the admission could not have been worse.

Now look what you've done.

Greyback turned and vanished down the hall.

He's going to tell the dark lord.

"Fuck," muttered Draco and went over to Granger hauling her up from the ground roughly. Adrenaline had his legs holding him up at this point: pure adrenaline.

He needed to get Granger out of the cellar and back to his room.

He needed a moment, just a moment, to think of a plan before Greyback went running his mouth to Voldemort.

Narcissa's cheeks were pink with shock as she looked at her son. 

There were a million emotions flitting across her face and Draco didn't have time to read them all.

"Now look what you've done mother," said Draco pushing the blame on her and brushing past. "I hope you're happy."

The words were cruel and fueled by fear.

He had let a moment of weakness get in the way of everything.  He had been so concerned with what his mother thought of him he had not stopped to think about the consequences of admitting a piece of the truth.

Narcissa followed him up the stairs as Draco dragged Granger in tow behind him.

Draco was surprised to find Hermione coming along easily and without struggle; surprised and relieved. If she tried to fight his hold now he wasn't sure he could manage to keep her and if he couldn't keep her close he couldn't protect her.

Left Behind 2: Illusions (A Dramione Romance)Where stories live. Discover now