Maya explains her Powers

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The Cullens had all gathered around their Livingroom along with the wolf pack. I sat in a chair in the middle of the room with Jacob sitting on the arm. 

"It began the day that Bella pulled me off the cliff. For a little while I was close enough to death to get a visit from a very mischievous deity. I didn't believe it at first but he allowed me to watch Harry go into his heart attack. Harry Clearwater was suppose to die. I've known Harry since I was in diapers. He is Dad's best friend besides Billy. Harry taught me how to shoot my first bow. He, like Billy, is my Uncle in all but blood. The deity had to prove to me he was real so he saved Harry making it so that he would live through the heart attack. he would carry the same symptoms as any other heart attack survivor. Now that he was proven to be very real he explained that he had a bet going on with his siblings over their pet projects. Each sibling had created the shifter race and the vampire race respectively, but in a case of boredom people like Bella were thrown into the mix. Bella became a part of the Cullen coven. I became part of the wolf pack. We are essentially twins at odds. The original game plan had been for Bella to bring both sides together but she ruined that by getting cut at the birthday party. The deity said that I would fit the bill. I was given power over the elements and other gifts. My job is to bring both sides together. The wolf pack and the Cullens can coincide because the Cullens don't feed on humans." I said 

"What do you get if this deity wins this bet?" Rosalie asked 

"Harry Clearwater's life and 3 wishes. Harry dies if I can't complete my job." I said 

"Well it would help if you were a bit friendlier to us and Bella. " Alice said 

"Bella and I will never get along. You, however, threatened if I didn't go with you to save your bastard of a brother that my father and I would never see Bella again. we nearly died there because I had to go against the Volturi to save Bella's self-sacrificing behind. She nearly got all of us killed. Your so called brother was selfish. He had everything. Bella loves him and you all to the point she would choose you over her own family. The bastard nearly made my sister commit suicide because he decided that she would be safer without him. She multiple attempts, you know. Bella isn't normal by any means. She jumped on the back of a motorcycle with a complete stranger. She jumped off an extremely high cliff and dragged me with her while neither of us are the strongest swimmers. She went before the Volturi, the Kings of the Vampire race, knowing that she was suppose to be keeping herself a secret until you all would turn her or she died of a natural age. She smacked the heck out of Paul, a known boy with extreme anger issues, before figuring out about wolves. She taunts Jacob about being turned instead of just staying away knowing what the wolves believe. If the bastard really wanted he safe, he would have went to some unpopulated corner of the world and stayed there. Certainly don't come back. Don't go to the Volturi knowing that your vision seeing sister would take notice. Just disappear for 80 years and then come back out.  My job was in jeopardy the moment I realized that getting along with you would be simply impossible." I ranted my voice slowly rising to screaming and I never realized that I was standing or that Jacob was holding me back

If vampires could cry I believe Alice would have. Jasper was confronting her and Emmett was holding Rosalie's hand. Jacob rubbed a hand up and down my back. Esme seemed to be upset about the entire situation we were all in. 

"You have placed a lot on yourself, Maya." Carlisle said

"Bella may be willing to lose everything. I am not. The Quileutes and my father are my family. I will save them. Bella is now your problem. I wash my hands of her. I know that you all will have to leave within the next 10-20 years to avoid suspicion. In order to complete my mission, I don't need you guys to be best friends and braiding each others hair. I need you both to be civilized allies. The Volturi are not known to not getting their way. Bella needs to be turned or die. there is no point in running because the Volturi will find her. I just need to both sides not to kill each other until everything is in place. The Cullens don't touch human blood. The wolf pack help out against any possible threat that could be coming our way. Bella cannot be changed here. She cannot be changed in Forks without the Elders of the tribe's permission, so she would possibly need to be changed outside of Seattle." I said tiredly 

Jacob held me close as I was getting tired.

"We'll help where we can." Carlisle said to Sam who stood in the corner

Sam nodded before we all got up to leave. The moment they went through the door they shifted and I got on Jacob's back. They ran back to the reserve and Emily's house. Emily had a wide spread of food on the table. I hadn't realized how late it was. It was dinner time and there was no way I was going make it home tonight. I simply couldn't deal with Bella right now. Sam filled Emily in on the new information and I ate a little but was dozing off in the chair. I blinked and the next thing I knew I was in bed beside Jacob at Billy's. I simply curled up close to him and went back to sleep. Today had been rough. 

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