Returning to Forks

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Maya was furious. Instead of going home Bella insisted they go to the Cullen house to talk about turning them apparently missing where the Volturi said she was being left alone as long as she kept silent about their existence.
BELLA You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you... INCLUDE THE ENTIRE CULLEN FAMILY who surround Bella. The house has been restored to it's original warmth and beauty. Edward sits off to the side as Bella addresses them.
BELLA I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote
EDWARD You can't be serious -- BELLA (firmly) This is my meeting, Edward. Edward, frustrated, sits back. Maya just stares at Bella in complete horror. She faces the family again.
BELLA However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone
EMMETT The hell you will. I'm not missing another fight.
BELLA That's not up for a vote, Emmett. I don't want you involved. ESME We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop BELLA No, please -- I want you to seriously think about this. If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time - forever. It's a huge decision. And I want - I need your honesty here. They nod or otherwise communicate agreement.
BELLA Then let's take a vote... Alice? Alice jumps up and hugs Bella.
ALICE Like you're not already my sister. Of course, yes!
Bella smiles. Jasper rises, but keeps his distance.
JASPER I vote yes. It'll be a relief not to want to kill you.
BELLA Um. Thanks? Okay, Rosalie? Rosalie, torn, looks at Edward who's stony toward her.
ROSALIE Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me... (to Bella) But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me... (she exchanges a glance with Carlisle - then...) So... no. Bella takes it stoically. Emmett bounds over and lifts Bella into a bear hug. EMMETT I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way.
Esme approaches and embraces Bella warmly.
ESME I already think of you as part of the family. Yes.
BELLA Thank you, Esme. Carlisle moves, not to Bella, but to -- CARLISLE Edward
EDWARD You can't go along with this, Carlisle, you know what it means. CARLISLE You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son. (turns to Bella) But Alice has never turned anyone. It'd be safer if I did it
The front door suddenly SLAMS. Edward's gone. Bella blanches but turns to the family.
BELLA Thank you. Thank you all.
Maya glares at all of them and Rosalie walks to her but Maya stops back. Bella just beams at everyone including Maya who glares back.
"Maya, this is a good thing. The Volturi won't come after us once we're turned." Bella said while the Cullens discretely listened in
"They won't be coming after me period, Bella. I made sure it was known I'm not a threat, so I don't have to be turned to stay alive. I will not be turned, Bella, even if the Volturi did not give me that out. You know that because you didn't even bother asking for my vote. I want to go home Bella. NOW." Maya said
Bella stared at Maya open mouthed before Edward came and took us home. The moment Charlie opened the door Maya jumped into his arms. Charlie refused to let Edward in and Bella was passed out in Edward's arms. Edward barged in and put Bella to bed before Charlie and Maya chased him out. Maya sat beside Charlie and gave him an edited edition of what happened in Italy and turned the Volturi into a glorified mob cartel. Charlie listened in stunned silence even to when Maya explained the fight scene to which Charlie got a proud look on his face for how she handled her situation. Charlie sat there and let Maya talk herself out before the exhaustion finally kicked in and Charlie carried Maya to bed. Charlie made a note for himself to call Jacob to let him know the girls were back safe as were the Cullens. Charlie checked on Bella and spoke with her before going to bed himself knowing that his girls were okay.
Charlie called Billy to let him know about the girls, and Jacob was at the door within the hour.
"Hey Charlie." Jacob said out of breath
Charlie merely shook his head and stepped aside knowing the reason Jacob was there.
"It's a good thing that Maya is an early riser she's about to come down and cook breakfast." Charlie said as Jacob rushed up the stairs
Jacob knocked on the door to Maya's room and waited before Maya said to come in. Jacob barely waited to open the door before Maya pounced into his arms. Jacob held Maya just knowing she was okay now. Maya cried in Jacob's arm because she had been so sure when she stood in front of the Volturi that she would never see Jacob again. Jacob kissed her forehead and carried her downstairs where Charlie just gave a knowing grimace at Jacob and Maya. Bella came downstairs and rolled her eyes at the couple before sitting down. Maya got herself together and cooked a stunning breakfast for all of them.
For Bella

For Jacob and Charlie

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For Jacob and Charlie

Maya even made sure to cook Charlie something to take for lunch and enough to give Billy some for his breakfast

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Maya even made sure to cook Charlie something to take for lunch and enough to give Billy some for his breakfast.

Maya even made sure to cook Charlie something to take for lunch and enough to give Billy some for his breakfast

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She went as far to make giant cookies for the boys in the pack.

For an hour Maya, Charlie, and Jacob enjoyed talking together and Bella just awkwardly sat there before saying she was meeting up with Jessica and running out the door

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For an hour Maya, Charlie, and Jacob enjoyed talking together and Bella just awkwardly sat there before saying she was meeting up with Jessica and running out the door. Both Jacob and Maya didn't bother to eat her out so Charlie went to work while Maya and Jacob went to the Reservation.

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