Seven: The Last Week

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I tried several times over the next two weeks. Whenever I was in a good mood, I would try to hold on to that feeling and reach towards one of the golden apples. And every time, I could feel it wouldn't be enough. Then I'd pull away and try to hold on to that hope, but it was like holding water. It slipped out of every crack. 

That didn't stop me from trying. The villagers' bullying has slowly gotten worse, and there have been times where I wake up with nothing but the want to prove myself. Patch was around a bit more often too, and he always would check on me before going to find Dream. If these weren't good clues the time was coming, I don't know what is. The panic increased, and I tried doing everything I could to stop it. I stopped heading into the village. I spent as much time possible around Dream, hoping his aura would help. I read a lot, mostly studying the Magic Guide. 

And it seemed to help. But only a little.

Patch came up to me at the end of those two weeks and said something I doubt I'll forget easily. 

"So, you know what's going to happen?"

"Yeah... I thought you knew this already."

"I did. I'm here to say you got a week left before your life goes to hell. Enjoy."

I froze, attempting to process that information. "Patch, that's... That's not how you tell someone that."

"Oh, it isn't? Sorry." He actually sounded sorry for once. "I'm not the best with empathy."

"It's fine. I don't...."

"Yes, you do."

"Fine. I do mind. But maybe it's because you walked up to me, told me the thing I've been dreading is going to happen in a week, and then said 'Enjoy'."

"Um... I'll rephrase. It's happening in a week, prepare yourself and good luck. Is that better?"


"Okay. Remember what I told you, don't try to stop it, or this AU might break."

Ha, if only he knew. "Alright."

"Great. I'm gonna hang out with Dream for a bit. See ya."

"See you later Patch." He turned to walk away. I think of something. "Patch, wait!"

"What?" He turns to look at me.

"Uh... If things go wrong, and I corrupt, and all that stuff happens... Will you take care of Dream for me?"

Patch walks back. "You know, he's quite independent. I think he can manage."

"I know. But... try to keep him happy when he gets down. I just need to know he'll have someone to turn to."

"Alright. I'll try. I doubt I can be as good as you though." He nuzzles me on the head. "You're a great brother, Night. I wish I had someone like you."

"You do! You have Dream!"

"Ha, good point. I meant if I had someone like that earlier. I didn't find someone like that for a while."

"...Can I ask who?"

"His name is Seed. He's the only person besides you and Dream who care about me so much."

"Wait, back up, did you just say I cared about you? Because if I remember a month ago when I first got my casts off, we hated each other."

"Nah, it wasn't really hating, it was... Okay, fine it was hating." He smiles sheepishly. "But only because you reminded me of someone who I didn't really like."

We hear a voice yelling Patch's name. "Well, that's Dream," I said. "You better go."

Patch waved and ran towards Dream. "Coming!"

I smiled, despite the fact that my entire life was going to be destroyed in a week. Life's weird that way.

The week flew by like that. I spent most of it with Dream, and he liked that. We both did. Even though I was dreading the week to end, I actually enjoyed it. I got to spend time with Dream, hang out with some of the more friendly villagers, and read a ton of books. I, to be honest, didn't really think about stopping what was going to happen. I had Patch to help Dream if things went wrong. I was still hoping I could avoid it.

That is, until the night I was attacked.

I was walking home from the library after returning some books. It was nighttime. I thought I would be alone. 

I was wrong.

"Hey, look who finally crawled out of his hole." A familiar voice sneered. "Great, I was getting bored."

I kept walking. Ignore them and they might ignore me.

"Hey, are you listening?"

Keep walking.

"Ugh, give me one of those stones."

...Shoot, I made them mad.

I felt something collide with my back and I went flying forward onto the ground. Everything hurt. 

"Wow, you're a nice aimer," I said, trying to hide the pain. I sit up to see Aiden and his group of kids. All 7 of them were armed with sticks or stones.

"Thanks, I guess I got it from so much practice hitting people who make me mad."

I realize that was directed towards me.

"Uh... yeah, sorry, can't really control that..." Maybe if I stay nice, they'll let me go? Or have I tried that before? I can't tell, my head is spinning too much to think straight. "Um... Now, if you don't mind, I'd better get going..." I stood up and started walking back towards the Tree of Feelings, only to get hit by another rock, this time in the head. I see stars. Great, looks like I can't get out of this one free.

"You're not going anywhere," Lilith says. "We need to teach you a lesson."

I gulp. This is going to be rough.

It's hard to believe no one came to help. I tried to run, but the others were too fast, and soon I was getting pelted with stoned the size of my fist or bigger. I felt hurt, I screamed, I thought someone would hear. But nobody came. Soon, I was lying limp on the street, as Aiden and his gang stood around me. "Dibs last hit," Said Lilith.

"Go right ahead," Aiden responded. Lilith raised a branch that would put me unconscious for days or worse, if I even survive. So I do the one thing my head can process. I focus on the Tree of Feelings and pull myself forward. 

That doesn't stop the sickening crack as a branch comes down on me right as I teleport away.

I open my eyes the next morning, by the Tree of Feelings, weak and full of hate. I look around. 

I was on my own that day. Dream was somewhere else, probably with those stupid villagers. God, I just wanted to prove myself to them... What if... 

I made up my mind. I reached up towards Dream's side of the Tree of Feelings...

...An image of Dream came into my mind. He's smiling, looking at me happily. I recognize it as his face from a while back, when there was a rainstorm and he cuddled with me under the banner around the tree. I smile sadly. God, I'm going to miss you Dream. 

I love you, brother.

I reach up and my hand closes around the apple.

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