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...moving forward...

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KIERNAN LOOKED AROUND... as she scanned her surroundings, looking for something of which she did not necessarily know. She stood right below a red sign with gold lettering; the sign read "platform 9 ¾ Hogwarts Express". It had the school's crest on it as well. As she continued to scan around the train station that seemed absolutely insane to her, she looked ahead to notice Draco had been waving for her to come over; she ignored him as she was still waiting for her friend to come through the solid brick wall. The girl still wasn't quite sure how that worked, but she was amused as she watched others pass through it.

The overly excited girl turned around as she had gotten a tap on her shoulder. A tall brunette with a prominent red and gold striped tie looked down on the girl as there was a very distinct height difference between the two. 

'Excuse me?' The girl said. She was very outgoing and did not seem shy when talking to Kiernan. 'You're right in front of the walkway.' She pointed.

'I'm sorry, I was waiting for my friend who happens to be walking this way now.' Kiernan said as she watched Tobi walk up to her with her trunk and pet owl in hand. 'I'm Kiernan, by the way, and this is my friend, Tobi.' She said as she smiled with her hand in front of her as if she were ready to give the girl a handshake. The girl looked down at her hand for a second and shook her head. 

'What an awkward thing for a teenager to do', Kiernan thought to herself before snapping out of her own thoughts and back to the conversation she was having with the tall stranger.

'Well, hello Kiernan and Tobi. I'm Ayla. Perhaps I will see you both at school.' Ayla shakes the girl's hand and heads onto the train.

Draco had still been waiting for Kiernan during the whole ordeal with the girl in the striped tie. As the two girls looked over at him, waiting by the train tracks, he had an annoyed look on his face. Kiernan had seen this face more than she had seen the boy smile; considering she never had, in her short time of knowing him, that was not really a big surprise to her.

The girls walked up to him and the three of them made their way onto the Hogwarts Express.

Kiernan made sure to take in every last bit of her surroundings; she was in complete awe with the sight of everything around her. She saw the perfectly symmetrical rows of blue-ish seats that looked very similar to the booths in the diner where she would always meet up with Tobi.

Draco ushered Kiernan into one of the cut off rooms with the blue seats and sat next to her; the girl did not care too much to sit next to the boy so she moved to the other side of the booth. Tobi followed slowly after, hanging her caged owl on a hook that was right above the entrance and pulling her trunk below her feet to rest them on top; it seemed to be more comfortable to her because of how short she was. The boy rolled his eyes, but neither of the girls seemed to notice. He wondered why Kiernan did not want to sit next to him when he had been nicer to her than anyone back at Hogwarts. Of course, Kiernan did not know how mean the boy could be yet, but she was sure to figure it out soon enough.

Something about the way the girl showed no interest in him, made Draco want to know her even more. He heard the rumors, which he was almost positive she knew nothing about, but there had to be more to her than what he had heard.

A woman walked down the aisle while she dragged a large cart behind her; everyone looked at the cart and it seemed as if their mouths were salivating because everything looked so tasty.

'Anything off the cart dears?' The woman said as she gestured to the plethora of sweets she had carted behind her.

The teens all looked at eachother; Kiernan being the most confused because she had never seen candy like that before. Although, that was not her only problem. The girl only had a small amount of human money, which she did not think the woman would accept.

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