Chapter eight Drews pov

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Once we enter the restaurant I almost fainted. The walls were painted black and there were little lights decorating the wall that resembled stars. The conners of the room were covered in midnight blue colored flowers. The room was dimmed to the point where you wouldn't be able to see if it weren't for the candles that lit up the room. "Wow" was all I could say. "You like it" Mason asked me looking at the wall.
"It's unbelievable." I said.
"Good, I'd thought you'd like it." He said with a smile playing on his face.

The usher walked up to us and said "Table for two I suppose."
"Yes one away from everyone else." Said Mason. I blushed an awful lot at this.
The usher lead us to a conner booth in the way back. I sit down and then Mason sits down. "The waiter will be right with you." Said the usher. "Great thanks." said Mason.

I look at the menu to see what I will get and I almost fall out of my chair. "I'm not trying to be rude, but how can you afford this." I said.
Mason laughed at this. " I play pool." He said liked it summed it all up. I gave him a look and he laughed even more. "I win a lot so I get a lot of money."
"Oh" I said not sure how I feel about this.
"Does that make you upset." said Mason leaning in closer to me.

I wasn't sure. I didn't have a job I relied on my mom for everything. But why should I? I am more than capable than getting my own job. Everybody needs a way to make money.
"No. not at all. You made money, and hey it's better than being a waiter." This seemed to shock him, like he expected me to say 'no that's cool' or 'sure'.
"Oh" he said.
"So tell me what do you like about school so far." I say trying to change the subject.
"It's school.... who does like it?" Said Mason with a straight face.
"Well what's your favorite subject?" I asked.
"All of them your in" he said really quickly like he didn't think before he talked. My face turned red at that. "So what do you do before and after school." He asks. "Ummmm I like to read and take pictures." I Say. Since I had no friends, my life is pretty boring. "Sounds nice"he says. I give him a look and he moves closer "It's better than being with people who hate you or use you." he says whispering in my ear. It would be so easy to just kiss him right now. But Before I can decide he pulls away with a smirk on his face. "So do you have any friends or do u spend all your time alone." He says this smiling like its some joke. But it's not. Before I can say anything our waiter comes over.

He looks at Mason and says "Hi my name is Ryan.What can I get you"
"I'll have the steak, medium rare, and a coke." Mason says not taking his eyes off me. The waiter then notices me. He puts a smile on his face and says "And what can I get you darling."
"I'll have the spaghetti and hold the garlic. Also I would like raspberry lemonade." I say.
I finally really look at Ryan and he's kinda cute, with his curly hair and lean body. But he just didn't seem like my type. But he obviously thought other wise. I look at Mason but he's not looking at me. He is looking at Ryan, who is looking at me, and Mason looked liked he wanted to kill someone.
Mason then moves over so close that our thighs are touching and buts his arm around my shoulders. "Yep that all for me and my girlfriend. Bye." I realize what he is doing and lean into his embrace and smile up at him. "I'll get right to it." Ryan says and walks away.
"Well that worked" I looked up at him. He just smiles at me. I try to wriggle out of the embrace but he doesn't let me. "We shouldn't do that, he might come back, and we don't want that do we."
"Yea I guess we don't" I say smiling up at him.
"So are you gonna answer my question form earlier?" He asks all serious. I thought he would have forgotten that by now. "Ummm I actually don't have any friends, I used but they all seemed to have .... I don't know, left." I say looking down. "Well that's stupid, why would anyone not want to be friends with you?" He ask lifting my chin up so I'm forced to look in his eyes. "The rumor, and before you ask I'm not telling you. Not yet." I say. "Ok then. I know you'll tell me eventually."He says.

"Here are your drinks" Ryan says when he returns. Mason just says thanks, while still holding my chin and looking me in my eyes with those mysterious black eyes of his. That seem to have grown a shade darker. "Your pretty" He says, then he trails his thumb along my bottom lip. I haven't heard those words said to me in such a long time. Not since before. I have no idea what to say, but I don't need to because Mason doesn't want me to. He knows, Knows how hard it's been for me some how. I give him a small smile. In the movies this is where we would kiss. But this isn't a movie and in real life your ex walks in and sees you in this position with the new boy. I see him in the corner of my eye. I pull my head away from Masons hand. He sees the distress in my eyes and asks "Whats wrong?"
"Ummm Dillan is here" I say looking at the floor. Mason looks over and sees him. I don't even have to look to see his long black hair and How built he is. He's not as strong as Mason but close. I look up and see his with another girl. Maxie, actually and my old best friend great. "And to make the situation even better that girl he's with is mild best friend." I tell Mason. Mason just stares at them.
That's when Ryan brings our food and say "Anything else?" No Is all Mason says. Then Ryan walks away. Mason looks at me then asks "Do you wanna make him jealous?" I think about this was it really worth it? I might be called a slut for makeing out with the new boy on his first day. But if I could see the look on Dillans face when I saw him jealous, it would all be worth it. And what else do I have to loose? "Yes, I do." I tell Mason with more courage then I thought I had. Mason smirks then lowers his head towards mine. He then leans in and smells my hair and starts kissing along my jaw line. I let out a small gasp of surprise and apparently that's all the invitation Mason needs. He finds my lips and starts kissing me. Slow and sweet. I moan a little and Mason smiles in between kisses, while moving even more closer to me. I wrap my arms around Masons neck to deepen the kiss. Then something Comes over Mason. He lets out a small growl/moan in the back of his throat and he then is kissing me really hard and I latch onto his hair and gasp in total shock. Mason uses this as a chance to slip in his tongue. So here I was making out with a guy who I just met in a public restaurant. That's when I heard someone to close to our table clear their throat. I look up and am shocked. Mason doesn't even bother to look he just moves his mouth to my neck and starts kissing there. Definitely going to leave a mark. The person standing the clears their throat again. "Hi mom is all I can manage to say.

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