Chapter 13 Drews pov

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I was standing in a dark room that had damp puddles all around it. I looked around after my eyes adjusted to the dark. I saw a tiny glimmer of light in the coner of the room and started to walk over to the coner of the room. Though I slowly figured out that that wasn't going to happen. When I saw the chain wrapped around my ankle. I look around the room some more to see if there was something I could use to unlock the chain. But there was nothing in the room but me and a chain. How the heck has this happened. One minute I'm a normal outcast in high school with no friends. The next minute I'm being told I'm a vampire/human hybrid. How is that possible. I....I don't even know. "Darling it is for a very good reason." said a raspy voice from the corner of the room. I look around but don't see anyone. "Who's there" I say. "That doesn't matter darling. What matters is that I'm about to tell you something very important." I don't know how to respond to him. So I don't, I just stay very very quiet. The man in the comet doesn't show his face, but he continues to talk. "One day my men will come for you and you are to go with them. And then are plan can begin." I stand up and face the comet were I think the sound is coming friend. "You can't force me to do anything I say. You already took my parents and Victoria. What else do I have to loose?!" I say with as much confidence as I can muster. " Mason." Is all he says. I am just quiet. "You see darling he betrayed me. And he should be punished. But I won't hurt him as long as you do what I say." He says. He's right. I could loose Mason. As much as I am mad at him, nobody should be punished by this man. He seems to be a total monster. I don't have a choice. He will still take me even if I don't agree. "Ok" I whisper. "Good girl darling. You will wake up in the arms of your lover, because this is all a dream. But don't forget I will come for you." is all he says before he vanishes.
I wake up snuggled into Masons hard chest. NO NO NO. I pull up the blanket wrapped around me and am so happy to see that I still have my cloths on. Ok so I don't remember much of last night. I remember sitting in Mason couch and drinking that funny tasting coffee. Then it all comes rushing back. Victoria, the box, me being some human vampire hybrid. Mason.......

Who had a smile on his face right now. His arms are locked around me like he never wants to let me go. I wriggle myself free of his arms. When I'm out he moans and reaches out to grab me but I put I pillow in between his arms. Then he pulled the pillow close to him and smiled even more. I step outside of his door and walk down the hallway. Which the walls are just plain white. No pictures or anything. I walk into the kitchen and look in the fridge. Nothing but a carton of milk and some left over pizza. The only thing in the cupboards are lucky charms. He only has one plate and one cup. Basically only one of everything. Ok so it's obvious he doesn't stay in one place for a long time.
I get myself a some cereal and some water, and sit down at the island. I finish up and wash the dishes. I then walk into the sitting room.
He has a leather couch and flat screen tv. The carpet is black and my feet sink into the soft material. I sit down on the couch and start flipping through the channels in the tv. What else am I going to do. I need answers, I have a crazy man coming after me, and I can't go back to my apartment. I have no friends due to the incident. I... I have no one. The only person I can go to is the guy I met only shortly ago.
"Mason I'm here." Someone shouts. Oh shit! Who the HEC is that? His girlfriend, his sister, his mom?! I silently get up from the couch and move to hide behind the curtains. Which are long and big enough for me to hide behind with out anyone noticing.
"Hello?!" Say the mysterious girl. I hear her walking to the kitchen so I run into the hallway that leads to Masons room and duck into an open room. When she is done looking in the kitchen. She starts walking down the hallway and she walks right past the room that I'm hiding in and doesn't even notice. I peek out the door as she walks into Masons room. Just by looking at the back of her I can Artie tell she is beautiful. she has long golden hair that runs all the way down her back. she is thin, but she has enough curves to make any girl jealous and any guy crazy. She has black leggings with black combat boots. And by what a I can see a red flannel shirt.
But who is she? She must be Masons girlfriend. Why does that make me mad. I have know Mason for like a day. We have kissed once and it didn't mean anything. I just need him to answer my questions then we are done. We will never have to cross paths again. I can deal with the man in my dreams. I can handle anything. The girl walks into Masons rooms so I stay in the room I'm in. And wait.

Masons pov
Serena walks into my room. I was out if bed just finishing changing. I got out of bed after I realized Drew wasn't here. I figured since I didn't hear a fist fight going on between Drew and Serena, that she probably left. "What are you still doing in bed?" She asks sitting down on the unmade bed.
"Reasons" is all I say. Serena was never one to pry and that's why I let her stick around.
"Listen we need to talk." I look her in the eyes and she knows she needs to stray talking. "The boss is worried about Mason. He thinks your straying from your task and he wants you to get back in task. No more mistakes. Instead of taking her to us last night you could have taken her to him." She says. I know she's not done because she doesn't look in my eye. Which means the next thing is going to be ten times worse. "What is it. spit it out." I say.
She looks up at me and finally looks me in the eye. "He visited her in her dreams last night. He... he's coming to get her himself. Either that or he's sending Maxon." She says this all with pure terror in her eyes. There should be. We never asked for this we were dragged into this. And now the Boss is coming himself and if not I have Maxon to deal with. I have to keep her safe. I will not let her b dragged into this. Not like us. I have to get her away. Now.
Drews POV
I have been waiting in this room for about twenty minutes and I was just about to leave when I heard the door to Masons open so I stiffen. I hear them walk down the hallway and past the room I'm in. They go into the kitchen and I silently walk out the door and listen at the conner.
"So Mason what are we going to do about this?" Say the blonde girl.
"We are going to do what I do best. Run." says Mason.
"Mason you have been running your entire life. Why don't we just stick it out. Its one stupid girls life, for your life. For ours." The blonde girl says the last part looking down. I want to jump out from behind the corner and make myself present. But I stay quiet and listen.
"For ours?" Says Mason with a bit of shock in his voice.
"Well... the boss did say.. he wanted us to.. well ya know." says the blonde chick looking at Mason.
Mason doesn't say anything. He justs walks into the living room and sits down.
"He said that, maybe. But we don't have time to worry about it now." Says Mason. The blonde girl comes over and sits in the couch next to Mason. She is sitting real close. She then says "Mason lets do this." She pauses and puts her hand in on Masons thigh. "We can rule our world. Together."
Ok I want answers. I step out behind from behind the corner and say "Um.... am I interrupting something." I could see Masons back stiffen. The blonde girl stands up and turns around to face me. Yep she is beautiful. The only thing that's is off about her is her eyes. I don't know what but something's off.
"Who are you?" Says the girl.
"I'm Drew. And who are you?" I say walking closer to them.
"So this is her. Wow, the boss was right about her." The girl says it to Mason who is now standing up and looking very uncomfortable. "Yea no the boss was way off." says Mason.
"What the hec are you going to do about her Mason?" Asks the blonde chick.
"I already told you." Says Masons to the blonde chick who's name I still don't know.
"Why doesn't somebody tell me what's going on. And blonde what's your name." I say getting highly irritated. Blonde sticks out her hand and says "I'm Serena" She takes my hand and shakes it really quickly and let's it drop like I'm some diseased animal.
The thing she does next is really disturbing. She goes up to Mason and whispers in his ear and says "I'm going to go take a shower feel free to join me." She then nips his ear and walks down the hallway leading to the bathroom. I don't know how I heard her say hat but I did.
Mason steps closer to me and says "I know you want to talk. And I know you want answers. But we don't have time for that. I know a man visited you in your dreams last night and now we need to get away." He says all this in one breath and won't look at me in my eyes. I can't believe that yesterday I was a nobody and now I'm running away with a bit I just met. Well ok then. I have nothing to go home to. I have no home. Wow.
"Ok when and where?"


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