Chapter 3

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It's been actually 2 days since it happened. But Aya can't help but to be anxious and paranoid even the guy assured her that he won't tell no one.

How can she be sure that the guy will really do what he said? They're not friends and they clearly don't know each other that much.

So she spend her time following the guy 2 days ago. But it's funny how within that 2 days, she still don't know his name. Well, it's not the name that she wanted right?

"Hey Aya!"

Aya quickly turned her head to her side when she heard her name being called. And there she found Tracey, one of her classmates, intently looking at her. As if trying to read what's on  her mind and what's she's thinking right now.

Tracey's the only one talking to her while their other classmates were all busy eating their lunch.

"Hmm?" She asked. Wondering why Tracey called her.

Tracey's face frowned. "I was just like calling your name for the third time. It's like you didn't heard me at all. And this past 2 days, you're not acting like your normal self either. What's bothering you?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Just hungry." She shortly answered. But Tracey just shot her eyebrows up and look down at Aya's food. She did the same and she found out that she haven't even touch her food.

"Hungry huh?" She heard Tracey uttered but didn't ask questions after.

Looking back at Tracey, she felt guilty. Tracey's the only one she considered being a friend to her. And she's not even telling her the truth. She wanted to but she can't do that. She can't afford anyone to look at her with pity. Much more if that 'anyone' were the students who admired her.

'I can't disappoint anyone again.' With that she  started to eat. 'And I need to speak to him.' That she surely will do.

So later that day, she found him on his spot at the library. Clutching her books, she sat on a chair in front of him. Making the guy looked at her, then returned his gazed to the  book he's reading.

"Can I help you?" He asked with his attention on the book.

Biting her lip, she finally asked, "You didn't tell anyone, right?"

"Did you see me talking to anyone?" He asked, still not looking at her. "I thought that's the reason why you keep on following me."

She shifted at her seat when she heard what he just said.

'How did he know I'm following him? I've made sure I'm good with hiding.'

"With those black cap and leather jacket, yeah sure, you didn't stand out at all." He answered.

'Did he just read my mind? Without looking?' With brows furrowed, she straighten her body when he closed his book and look up at her.

"I can't read mind even if I badly wanted to. You're just thinking out loud without noticing." He said while crossing his arms at his chest. "And about me saying anything to anyone, I thought you've made sure about that. With following me and all."

Putting her hands up, she said, "Okay! Okay! I admit that I followed you." She saw his eyebrows shot up, as if saying something so she glared at him. "Not because I'm a stalker, but because I need to know for myself that you won't really tell anyone okay?"

Uncrossing his arms, he leaned towards her, not that close for her to leaned back but enough to make her breathing stop for a second. Why haven't she noticed this guy is freaking handsome?

"Look here Miss Popular, if I told you that I won't tell anyone, believe me I won't. Because I'm not that kind of person. And besides it's not my business." He said then leaned away from her. Which she's glad that he did.

"Okay I believe you. But I still need to know if you told your friends."

"Now, now Miss Popular---" She cut him off.

"Don't call me like that!"

"What? Isn't that your title?" She shot a glare at him, signalling that she didn't like to be called like that at all.

"Okay. But let me ask you Miss, have you seen me with a friend while  you're following me?"

With brows furrowed, she shortly answered, "No." And with that she finally realized that she never seen him with anyone. She never seen him talked to anyone at all, even his classmates.

"Now you've got your answer."  He said with a blank expression.

"But what if you told your other friends? I just didn't---" She wasn't even able to finish what she's saying when she was cut off by him.

"I can't tell anyone because I don't have friends."

And that shut her up. She can't able to identify if he's mad or not because he said those words calmly and as if it was natural for him.

Face frowned, she asked, "Why?" And she can clearly see that he didn't like her question as he look back at her with a much blanket expression, if that's even possible, that he had earlier.

"Hold up back there Miss. We are not friends and will never be. We are not that close  enough for you to ask me questions like that okay? Do your business and I'll do mine. So don't ask me the same question I didn't ask you 2 days ago."

She pursed her lips. 'Yeah. Why would I ask him something he didn't ask me?' And after he said that, they remained silent.

Unable to say something back at him, she's battling with herself whether she will say sorry or she will just leave. And she was just about going to do both when he was the one who broke the silence between them.

"So what are you going to do about the rumors spreading right now?"

"What rumors?" She asked quickly, eager to escape the uncomfortable silence she was in earlier.

He intently looked at her. "You haven't heard the rumors yet." It's not a question, that's what she noticed.

"What rumors are you talking about?" She asked, and before she can stop herself, the words left her mouth, "And I didn't peg you to be the person who believe in rumors."

"I don't believe in rumors. It's just this rumor, includes me, unfortunately. And I don't like the attention that I'm getting because of that rumor." He started to gather his things. And once done, he stood up. Making her to look up at him. "So please do something about it. It was your fault in the first place."

'Rumors? My fault? But what rumors?'

Before she can ask him what rumors he's talking about, she noticed that he already left. Leaving her wondering about the rumors.


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