whore princess

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"I love how we have gym together" She was clinging onto my arm. Something I forgot she used to do all the time. "you just like it because I have to actually listen to you because I don't have my game" I pout. "exactly my baby" I rolled my eyes at her nickname. I did like it tho not gonna lie.

She was wearing her sunglasses, she had put her hair in two pigtails and the tight gym uniform looked real nice on her.

"our whore princess is back" a group of perv students yell at her. She stays silent and scoffs and turns to me "why did I expect you to defend me" she rolls her eyes and pulls away from me. Is she pissed at me? She walked away and left me standing there.

Even if people believed otherwise, y/n didn't have many friends. She only has one friend that goes to our school and she has 2 other friends that go to another school and her other friend is a dealer, but she always mentioned that she's the sweetest. Also she doesn't go to many parties, she finds it boring. She prefers to get high or drunk with her friends at one of their house or a random field outside the city.

I always did listen to her dumb stories and facts even tho she wouldn't believe me if I told her...

"s-she- she's not a whore!" I yell at them. Fuck, now everyone is looking at me. "you're just salty that none of you can get at her!" I attack them. "wha-what's everyone's problem with confident woman?" I stuttered at first but got it right. Oh gosh I'm going to faint. I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. I avoid people because I care about what they think, and there I was the center of attention. I threw up again. On the bright side, I did something good.

"Kenma where are you?" I heard her voice. Did she come back to look for me in the boys restroom?

I opened the door to my stall and let her in. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch" she grabbed my hand and apologized. Before I could say anything I tuned my head around and threw up. "no guy has defended me ever before" she started crying. I felt bad. She's the sweetest girl I know even tho she can be wild and horny at times, but I know she's not how most people see her.

She only sleeps with her boyfriends, or a girl from her nun school. She's not easy, she's not a whore. She might reveal her underwear and do crazy sexual shit sometimes, but she doesn't take it next level.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to say anything because my breath smells like acid because of the vomit.

"Kenma" I hugged her. I hugged her really tight. "you're imagining this I joked" She was still in my arms. "yeah, sure" she replied with sarcasm. I pulled away and wiped her tears.

"thank you emo boy" she said pushing my hair away from my face. "Go wash your mouth, I'll give you mints" she got up and helped me get up too.

"I owe you, let's leave I'll buy you something to eat" she smiles.

"leave school?" I asked.


cmon fuck me emo boy ✧ kenmaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt