Around the middle of class, I got called to the office. It was my mom, and she seemed to be crying. "Mom, what's wrong?" I immediately rushed to her.

"You need to come to the hospital with me right now. It's something to do with your dad, and I want you to hear it from a real doctor." I started panicking, my mind went into overdrive. I knew I had to be strong for my mom, so I got in the car with her and we drove to the hospital. 

We walked in and found the room number, a young doctor with brown hair walked in. He looked at us in the room, gave us a look of sorrow and said, "Well, we ran some tests on Mr. Styles and he's showing signs of lung cancer. Now we aren't sure yet, we're going to have to keep him overnight and run more complex tests. I'm sorry." 

And just then, I felt my entire world drop.

Cancer? My dad can't have cancer. No, he's invincible. 

I saw my dad sitting on the bed, he looked at me, tears filling his eyes. "You okay, son?" 

"No, Dad, you don't have cancer. Tell me you're joking, won't you? Please? This is all just a joke, right?" I said, trying to force a smile. Maybe this is like an early April Fools Joke. 

"I'm so sorry," the doctor said as he put a comforting arm around his shoulder. I put my head in my hands and didn't make eye contact with him.

"I'll give you a minute alone to digest what I just told you." The doctor excused himself from our room and shut the door. I just sat there, staring at the wall. Motionless. Expressionless.

"I told you you shouldn't smoke, Dad." I whispered to him.

"Listen, I haven't smoked in weeks. I was clean, I don't know what happened." He defended himself. 

"It's not your fault. I'm just saying." I said plainly. My mom was crying and holding his hand and I was pacing the room.

Finally, the news settled in. My dad might have cancer. I sat down in the middle of the floor and started crying. I started bawling like a baby. I couldn't stop. What if he dies in the next month? What am I going to do without my dad in my life? I love him so much. He's been my best friend. I came out to him when I was terrified and I thought he'd hate me, but he cried because he was so happy I was honest. He's been there with me through thick and thin, and he might just be gone in a few weeks.

My mom left my dad's side and came to hug me on the ground, I stood up and walked over to my dad. 

"Dad, please, try to get better won't you? I can't lose you. I love you."

"I love you too, Son, and I promise I'll try everything in my power to stay here with you."

"Okay." I said simply before the doctor entered the room again.

"May we run some more tests? We're going to keep him overnight, because the results take a day to come back."

"Yeah, okay. We'll go now." My mom stood up and thanked the doctor for everything, while I said goodbye to my dad and followed my mom out.

"This sucks. I thought my day was going to go great and...this happened. He seemed so healthy. I don't understand." I confessed to my mom.

"Do you feel up to go back to school?" She put an arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"No, not really. If that's okay." I told her.

"It's fine. Let's just go home, okay? Do you still want to have Louis over?" 

"Yeah, I really need him around right now. He could cheer me up."

"Okay. Just text him telling him that you went home early and that he can still ride the bus here or whatever."

"Okay." I told her, sending him a text. He texted back with: No problem. Everything ok?

I answered with: Family thing. I'll tell you when you're here.

I then got in the car and went home, watching movies and trying to get my mind off of it. I told Lindsey to text me classwork so I could get caught up, I mean I've missed a lot of school recently.

She gladly did, and I did missing homework that I have. It was all pretty easy, mostly worksheets from math and studying for a test in Science. I got all that done around the time school got out, and then Louis was at my door waiting for me. He walked inside and accepted the muffins my mom made him for a snack, and I ate a few. But to be honest, I wasn't that hungry.

We went up to my room to hang out, my mom thought it was okay as long as we didn't do anything. I sat on the bed, and he already had sweats in his bag to change into. I changed into sweats too, and then we sat on the bed. "Now, could you tell me what's wrong? Why'd you leave early?" He asked, stroking my cheek.

"My dad's showing signs of lung cancer. He was coughing really badly this morning and...I don't know. I'm just so scared." By the time I finished that sentence, he pulled me into a hug and held it for a long time.

"I'm so so sorry, and if there's anything I can do to make you feel better and get through this tough time, just tell me."

"Nothing really. I just need you to promise something." I whispered through my tears.

"What's that?" 

"I need you to promise that you'll never leave me stranded. I really need you right now, and you aren't allowed to walk out on me because there's a chance I'll get bad again if you do."

"Get bad again? What does that mean?" He sat cross legged on my bed and faced me, sweeping the hair out of his eyes.

"Well, when I got bullied at my old school, I 'got bad.' Basically what that means was I was a shell of what I used to be. I'd just stare at the wall for hours on end, contemplating ending my own life to stop the endless torment of misery. Sometimes, I'd start screaming and crying and break things. And I'm right on the verge of that, and I'm not sure if anyone will be able to bring me back. Last time, I was snapped out of it by my dad, and he might not be around much longer, so I need you to stick with me even if you hate my guts, because I truly need you."

"I'm always here. I love you." He whispered, kissing me gently. 

The rest of the night we cuddled, not really talking but occasionally starting conversations, but mostly just cuddling while he played with my hair and I tried to think positive thoughts and not worry about my dad. Sometimes Louis would whisper-sing songs to me, until he had to go home. He got a ride home from my mom and at the door when I was saying goodbye, we kissed goodbye and then he went to my mom's car, where she was already sitting there, waiting for him. I gave him a wave and noticed that it was 11 o'clock already. I wondered what was happening with my dad at this moment, was he in the middle of a test or scan? Have they just told him he has cancer and he'll call us any minute? Have they told him he's cancer-free and it's a false alarm? Is he eating? Sleeping? Only time will tell. I sigh and go up to my room, just staring at the ceiling until I fall asleep.

Waiting For A Hero. (LARRY STYLINSON)Where stories live. Discover now