The Joys of Detention ch1

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I looked at the tile floor as I slapped the dirty mop on it making water dropplets fly in different directions.

I couldn't believe it, this is my third time serving detention in two weeks. If my parents didn't kill me my baby sister would. Of course I would get detention on the day of her championship basketball game. Oh the promises I never keep, come new years my resolution will be to keep all my promises.

I looked at my wrist watch hoping the minute hand had moved but sadly it had only been 10 minutes since detention started.

"That's right Sami mop those floors." The janitor joked as he walked pass me, making sure to spill a little of his soda pop on the floor.

"Don't you have anything better to do Elroy?" I asked leaning on my mop and looking at the old man.

"Well since I have to babysit you all the time.... Nope." He said popping the 'p'.

"I missed the bus twice in a row and they feel the need to punish me when frankly I was already punished for having to walk in the cold."

"Eh, being late is being late so you gotta' take your punishments as they come."

"Whatever. I'm surprised i'm the only one with detention today."

"Actually, there was suppose to be someone else but I guessed he didn't show."

"Skipping detention. Bad move on thier part." I commented as I began to mop again.

"You should know huh?" Elroy asked before going off on his own business.

I finished mopping the hallway I was on and began to look for Elroy. It was 5:30 if I hurry and cut through the football and baseball field I can make it to the last quarterof my younger sisters basketball game or atleast most of it.

I scanned the hallways looking for the old man. He shouldn't be that hard to find. With his long silver hair and glazed over hazel eyes that you could see from a mile; you could recognized him from anywhere.

I pushed the bucket around the corner and the front right wheel suddenly hit something and flipped the whole bucket filled with dirty water. The water flew out and made a huge splash on a pair of shoes.

"Oh crap sorry." I said hurriedly to pick the bucket up, I don't have time for this.

"What the hell these are new." A deep voice infront of me said.

I looked up at the face to see a teen maybe a junior or a senior looking down at his all white... well once all white PF flyers.

"Oh I'm sorry." I apologized not really caring since his rude tone from before.

"Yeah you better be. And look you ran over my hat." The kid sneerd looking down at the hat still under the right wheel."

"Woops. I didn't see it."

"Well maybe you should open your eyes next time." He added with a not so friendly tone again. Me already being on a short fuse I am not about to let this fly.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have your hat on the floor next time and it wouldn't get ran over or your shoes won't get dirty." I rudely remarked.

"Excuse me. If you were watching where you were going this wouldn't have happened." He said through his teeth.

"Well if your hat wasn't on the floor this wouldn't have happend. And who wears brand new white shoes to detention. That's just stupid."

"I can put my hat were I want to, and how do you even know if i'm going to detention."

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