The disciple gulped before continuing on. "Ever since the incident of those fierce corpses escaping Qinghe Nie's establishment, Sect Leader Jiang has been eliminating the remaining fierce corpses after your actions, ZeWu-Jun. I've heard that you've slaughtered 150 fierce corpses, but..."

"But what?" Xichen asked.

"But..." the disciple continued on. "In total, there were supposed to be 450."

The colour drained from Jin Ling's face. "Does that mean... Uncle and Yunmeng Jiang was slaying 300?"

The disciple nodded. "The entire Yunmeng Jiang Sect was exhausted, but Sect Leader Jiang was the most winded, since he was the one with the most kills, of over two hundred fierce corpses. Later the day, he'd fallen ill and is recuperating at the moment."

"Take me to him." Xichen pressed.

The disciple nodded. "I'll order a boat to carry you right away-"

"No," Xichen shook his head. "We'll be going by sword."

Jin Ling rushed to Xichen's side. "I'll be coming too."

"What about your competition?"

"It's... it's not important compared to Uncle's health."

     It didn't take long for them to arrive at Lotus Pier. Although Jin Ling didn't know how to ride his sword yet, he took the chance to ride with Xichen, wrapping his arms awkwardly around the man's waist like some newborn child. When they arrived, they immediately dropped down lightly on the port and charged straight for the main campus.

     "Uncle! Uncle!" Jin Ling barged into his uncle's room, eyes wide and hazy with heartfelt tears.

     Xichen trailed after him.

     When they saw Jiang Cheng covered in blankets and bandages, Jin Ling's heart had squeezed tightly in pain. "Uncle..." his voice trailed off when Jiang Cheng attacked him with a glare. "Jin Ling? What are you doing here?"

     "Wanyin..." Xichen added.

     Jiang Cheng have finally noticed the tall and sharp man behind Jin Ling, practically towering over his nephew. "Sect Leader Lan? What are you doing here?"

     "We've heard that you've fallen ill. No worries though," Xichen flashed a sad smile. "We'll be here to accompany you."

     Veins popped in Jiang Cheng's forehead. "Are you kidding me? I'm not a sick child who needs treatment! I've slaughtered the fierce corpses that needed slaughtering. You've done the same. What else do you need to do? Pity me? Just because I've fallen ill doesn't mean I'm weak and vulnerable! And you, Jin Ling-" Jiang Cheng coughed once before continuing. "You brat! Why are you ditching the archery competition for me? You... you are just going to give up? That's not how Sect leaders act, they must live with pride and prosperity! You—Jin Rulan is such a failure!"

     Jin Ling scurried behind Xichen for protection, feeling his heart shrink with every word that his uncle spat.

     "Wanyin... Jin Ling was worried about you. He said that the archery competition doesn't matter compared to you." Xichen added softly.


     Jin Ling's heart sank. But Uncle... you're the one that raised me... the one who fed me when Mom and Dad were away forever... he swallowed away his tears before running off. Jiang Cheng have noticed and roared, "THAT'S RIGHT! RUN LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!"

     "I'm done trying to shove sanity back into your brain." Jin Ling scowled, reaching for Suihua at his side.

     "Oh yeah?" Jin Chan taunted. "Are you resorting to violence again? It's not like it matters, since you've never had a mom to teach you manners or a father to lend you a hand. Even that uncle of yours is less capable-"

     Before Jin Chan knew what was going on, blood had heaved out of his chest and scattered all over the floor like crimson rose petals. It was then he noticed the tremendous amount of pain scarring into his bones as Suihua had pierced directly into his chest! Jin Ling's face was dark. "Don't ever diss my family again!"

     Uncle is all I've ever had... don't talk about my only family member like that!

     "Jin Ling?" That familiar and soothing voice was painted over by an ocean of heartfelt anguish. "Sizhui?" Jin Ling turned around to find horrified and overwhelming silver eyes staring back. "Jin Ling," Sizhui pressed. "What are you doing?"

     "I was going to ask you that!" Jin Ling blurted. "Aren't you going to seclusion?"

Those silver eyes seemed to stab him with its every ounce of strength as Jin Ling staggered backwards. Sizhui stepped forwards, "I was, until I heard a ruckus... but... are you trying to kill Jin Chan?"

Jin Ling looked back at Jin Chan, whose robes was covered with his blood entirely.

"No... that's not it-"

"JIN LING!" Sizhui cried. "Why are you doing this?"

That's what I want to ask you... Sizhui's eyes were painted over with a gloss of tears. Why are you crying for someone else? Someone that has been tormenting me for ages... someone that has been beating me up since small... dissing about my family since young... why are you doing this?

Jin Ling's arm went soft as he took back Suihua from Jin Chan's wounded chest. Blood splurged out more, painting over the cobblestone floor with its alarming colour.

"I was wrong..." Jin Ling sadly smiled. "Like I always was..."

His legs went soft, but he still pressed forwards to Sizhui. "Jin Ling...?"

Jin Ling kept walking, passing Sizhui—Who was stunned speechless. He abruptly turned around to watch Jin Ling, "Jin Ling! Don't go! Where are you going?"

Sizhui tried to catch the Young Mistress' sleeve, but it was out of his reach.

Jin Ling was too far into the void.

"I'm leaving Cloud Recesses and GusuLan... haven't you heard? I've been banished." Jin Ling turned around to face Sizhui.

Sizhui couldn't help but shoulder that merciless pain as he noticed tears streaming down Jin Ling's cheeks. He made Jin Ling cry... Sizhui hurriedly chased after Jin Ling, who'd stopped walking. "I'll have Lan Qiren make it up to you. I'll have him change the banishment... you should be able to come back. I promise-"

"I'm done with promises." Jin Ling was as cold as a corpse.

"Mom promised to never leave me. Where is she now? Dad promised to teach me the great aspects of life. What is so great about life? And you, Lan Sizhui had thrown promises after promises at me like they're paper! How am I supposed to trust you?"

     Jin Ling's eyes had scrounged with the colour red, burning like a terrifying incense. "I'm leaving to Koi Tower. I'm going home."

     Then, he walked away, leaving Sizhui dumbfounded.

     Jin Ling wallowed back into the darkness—he couldn't find the light that reached out to him seconds ago, and was lost once again.

Author's note: "Is the angst strong? No worries, because there will be fluff in the next chapter."

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