Chapter Twelve

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back at the main road

Delgado watched as an allosaurus burst from the foliage. the triceratops herd turned and shot off away as Ellie, and Lex ran to Delgado, he yelled, "Hey you running the wrong way!" Jaamise ran up to lex and said, "Thank go-" lex slammed her fist into Jaamise's face. as Jaamise fell Tim pulled up in a jeep, Lex and Ellie said, "TIMMY!" Tim got out of the jeep grabbed Jaamise put her in the jeep and said, "Get. In. The. Jeep." Lex said, "Oh no. you've got a lot of explaining to do!" Tim pushed her in the jeep and said, "Get. In."

in the sixth helicopter

The co-pilot watched as the Carnosaurus kicked a car over, he sniffed the car, He hit the radio, and said, "bravo one? this is bird six, we have located the target." Seargent Schmidt said, "send us the coordinates, we're on our way." Alan grant laughed and said, "This is great, we head over there and get it over and get this... whatever it is, and get it taken care of and everything will be fine. all that's left is to figure out who did this and shipping our precious cargo to one of the islands an-" the radio cracked to life and it spurted out, "Bravo one, this is bird four we have multiple targets heading to downtown Glen Rose." Sergeant Schmidt looked at Alan and said, "what do you mean multiple targets? Define!" the co-pilot looked at the pilot, and looked to the ground to see a herd of parasaurolophus, large ten feet tall animals with a large crest down their heads, he said, "dinosaurs, looks like a whole bunch, and they're moving like there is a seventy-five percent off sale at Walmart." Alan grant sighed and said, "Guess not." Sergeant Schmidt hit the button on the radio and said, "Bird six, I have three ground units going to the site for containment. all other units go do basecamp downtown."

at downtown

the truck driver sat on top of the brachiosaurus. he smiled and said, "these critters aren't all that bad once you get to know them. maybe we can keep one and charge for pony rides." one of the soldiers yelled, "Gentleman I really don't think that's a good idea." the radio hissed and the mangled voice came out, "this is bravo one, I'm ordering all units to go and secure Homebase, and get everyone indoors, and I mean pronto. we also have multiple bogeys on their way to you."

back near the park

Lewis was running as he saw the end of the land, his leg was twisted, and he was more stumbling than walking. he saw the jeep as Jaamise was loaded he screamed out "Hey wait!" he slumped to his knees as he started to cry and he talked, "Damn you Jaamise, what the hell will I do now?" a loud thud fell behind him, lewis looked up to see a large dinosaur, it's head was five-and-a-half feet long. he backed up to the fifteen-foot tall dinosaur kicked the car, lewis was knocked unconscious. For better or worse.

in hangar A

Backer woke up to the continuous thumping in his head. he held his head and started to stumble down the hall. he muttered, "Damn, where'd everybody go." he heard Ludlow scream out "GET ME OUTTA HERE! HELP ME OUT OF THIS!" Backer opened the kaprosuchus door and shoved it in the room, he said, "Say hello to Wu for me if he's dead, and tell him I'll see him real soon, cause we are all gonna burn in hell for this."

to Alan and Schmidt

Alan watched and he screamed, "HEY WATCH IT!" Schmidt looked to see a medium-sized head slam into the jeep. Grant was thrown out of the car from the impact. Grant was largy unharmed and ran to the depot store, the allosaurus slowly walked up to him grant turned to run when he heard a rifle fo off when he looked there was Professor Backer! he looked at him and backer said, "good morning doctor grant, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Grant calmed his adrenaline and said, "Trust me, the pleasures are all mine." Backer put the rifle down and said, "Damn military has a gun for everything." Grant nodded towards the beacons on the buildings and said, "they use soundwaves to affect the neurons in the brain, immobilizing them. although it doesn't work on the bigger ones."

in the jeep with Tim, Ellie, Lex, Jaamise, and Delgado

Tim talked about his plan for his Jurassic Park, "I thought that if they brought back only the most docile herbivores that I could make uncle Hammonds dream come true, and prove that he wasn't some crazed monster. it all went well until cousin Pete showed up." Lex rolled her eyes and said, "So crazy can be passed on, cousin Pete has been dead for almost twelve years, Remember?" rage shot through Tim and he yelled, "NO HE'S NOT! HE WAS THE ONE WHO OUTBID ME ON UNCLES CANE! HE IS WERE I GOT THE DNA FOR MY JURASSIC PARK!" Ellie looked around and said, "will someone explain what's happening?" they parked and as they got out she said, "Tim look, cousin Pete has been dead." Tim slammed his door shut and said, "That's what I thought, until last night. I just left him at dinosaur valley park. I thought I could do it right this time." Lex smiled and said, "You know you've never been good at thinking." Ellie pushed the oviraptor down and said, "Can yall work this out later?" Tim went to help Lex when a loud Thud fell on the ground behind him, Tim looked over to see another allosaurus, this one bigger than the last. he yelled, "Can someone help me!" a roar filled their ears, then Tim watched as the allosaurus ran around him, Tim said "Is that a T-Rex Alan?" backer and Alan said, "That's not a T-Rex." an elongated five-and-a-half foot-long head with scars running down his back. his feet left a large impression, twice the size of the T-Rex. his black skin covered his entire body, roughly fifty feet long, it let out another roar Alan said, "Run, that's a GIGANOTOSAURUS!"

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