Chapter One

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Two years ago

Tim looked at the computer screen as he once again wondered why he had to show his face when the other person didn't show his face at all. The Voice, the one who helped him in building his grandfather's dream said, "Once again I apologize for the theatrics Mr.Murphy" Tim swallowed as he continued "But as I'm sure you'll agree to the strictest of security measures." 

Tim brushed his brown hair to the side with his hand, he quietly spoke, "Totally, I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize our mission. We must make sure to take every precaution with safety as our number one precaution."

The Voice agreed, "Exactly there is no reason to repeat the mistakes of the past, now is there?" Tim smiled and pulled his sharp black suit and shuddered in the cold, the black scarf did nothing to stop it.

When Tim realized that he was waiting for him, Tim replied "No sir, but why the Stephen Hawkings routine?"

The Voice quickly responded "Just another safeguard Mr.Murphy... But let's get back to the business at hand shall we?" The man behind Tim grabbed a book and shoved it in front of Tim, Tim grabbed and opened it as the voice said, "I assure you we will be up and running within the next twenty-four months, we can do this." Tim looked at the dinosaurs recovered from Isla Nublar, all herbivores.

"And I've kept up my end and stored away many, many supplies."

"We make an excellent team Mr.Murphy, with our combined revenues and your government influence" Tim hated that part of the aftermath of his grandfather's 'Jurassic Park'. The government started to have him and his sister speak about it in public, and a result was that people had many favors owed to him, "And my scientific resources-"

Tim quickly spoke over him anger flared up now, "And your sure there will be NO surprises this time, will there?"

The Voice ignored his breach of protocol and said "None whatsoever." Tim saw the trike and nodded and the voice continued "And as I was saying, with our combined efforts the world will get what it's been wanting all along! We stand to become very rich men in the process."

Tim sighed, "I'm not interested in the money." His green eyes glared as the man snatched the book from Timothy. He tossed it in the bin, poured gasoline on it, and lit the fire.

Tim watched as The Voice said, "Yes, well, whatever it is you seek, It appears that everyone wins, And as you have seen from the dossier we are holding to your stipulation of keeping with only the only more docile herbivores, as per our agreement."

Tim narrowed his eyes and spoke, "And absolutely NO velociraptors, Right?"

After a split second, a single moment, the empty voice answered, "Not one."

Present day

Lex's orange hair practically glowed, and her green eyes scanned the people who all were called in by her brothers favors. Why must he help her by sacrificing his own work? She guessed it was the hidden secrets of older brothers. She was in her purple shirt, the same color she wore to 'Jurassic Park'. She shuddered at the thought of the Trex over the land cruiser. Lex held the fabric of the green jacket.

She let go as she ended the speech. "I cannot overstate the importance of this fine assembly upholding its ruling to keep these sites completely off-limits to who would stand to profit from them scientifically or otherwise. As you are aware my brother and I are along with the very lucky few who managed to escape with our lives and trust me, luck was all that saved us because there are no more savage, more cunning, more vicious creatures on this planet. Present company excluded of course."

The man marked 'Alabama' at the meeting said "Thank you, Ms.Murphy, we do appreciate your own personal financial commitment to keep these islands safe. But to a small country like ours, one that is far removed from the problem, well this operation is quite draining and is becoming a serious point of contention for our people."

She quickly replied "I understand Ambassador Arlind and please know I will continue to use my own personal finances and those of Lex-x-crops to help aid in this endeavor. However, I do have to leave you now, as I have pressing matters to attend elsewhere. but before I go let me state for the record that the need to continue funding this multi-national is just as important as the safety and security of your citizens as it is for those near and in the central and southern American and all other nations of the world. One breach of these sanctions could very well lead to yet another very catastrophic mass extinction. Mankind could be wiped from the face of the planet, and dinosaurs can once again rule the earth. Thank you and have a nice day."

Jim walked up and said "Have a nice day? are you trying to make me work for my living?" Jim was an imposing man standing at six foot two and he had the look of a bodybuilder. He was covered in pitch black skin.

Lex couldn't hold the smile back anymore. "How bad is it out there?" 

Jim sighed and Lex knew it was bad. "The usual horde of pissed-off people protesting you, protesting Lex-x-crops, protesting and protesting." Lex's smile melted as a reporter jumped from nowhere and practically yelled "Ms.Murphy, can you comment on the rumors that your brother, Timmothy Murphy, used undue influence to secure several of your operation sites?"

She sighed and said "Great, Get me out of here."

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