Chapter Six

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The United Kingdom 1:30 pm

The Voice sat there as the airplane assistant wheeled him into the airplane, his bodyguard held an umbrella over him as he muttered, "On my way...."

Costa Rica 7:30 am

Lex walked swiftly as her purple button-up swayed with each step. She talked as she walked, "And please don't forget to send that letter to my brother. That email about where I'm headed, that I'm frantic, and I'll call him on the weekend."

Lauren followed slightly slower, her purple hair and black shirt shaking, "Sent it two hours ago, have a safe trip."

New York 8:30 am

Tim sat here in his black uniform and next to him was a Bonobo, a monkey. The TV anchorman said, "And up next, Oh, I see you brought one of our network executives with you."

Tim smiled at the joke and then started to talk, "Oh no, this is Adolf, from the D.C. national zoo. He's a Bonobo which makes him a member of the great ape family. They're another endangered species, unfortunately, they're only found in the-"

The TV anchorman said, cutting Tim off, "But he's so damn cute! But it's the time my audience should know that you're doing all you can for these little guys and that you've recently made a very generous donation to our D.C. national zoo- in your grandfather's name no less."

Tim smiled and continued, "While that is true I wouldn't have that money if it weren't for the amazing genius he was, and this is just my way of honoring his greatest love, the animal kingdom."

The anchorman said, "Well all due respect and I don't want to kick a man when he is down but he certainly is that now."

Tim looked around with rage as the sarcastic response came out before he could stop it, "That's very nice of you."

The anchorman smiled as he knew he had Timmothy in his grasp, "But that's quite controversial considering the tragic loss of life his actions brought upon us. I mean we have this total nightmare that all the countries in the world have to bear, and forever, it's terrible."

Tim was filled with rage as he gripped the arm of the chair as he started to respond, "Well-"

The anchorman cut him off again as he said, "Not to mention the enormous pooper scooper bill. We'll be right back with dino boy Timmy Murphy." 

Tim jumped up and snarled, "What's going on!"

The anchorman smiled as he said, "I'm just trying to do an entertaining and informative show." 

Tim's rage had subdued as he said, "I didn't come here to be sandbagged."

The anchorman smiled as he saw senator John walking up and said, "Oh, hello senator. Time off for good behavior? Did you bring this weasel with you?" as he pointed at Tim and kept talking, "Who let him in here?"

The Stenson ranch

Mrs.Milles stood there as she held her son, Jaamise pulled up as she stepped out she said, "Sheriff's right behind me, you okay Millie?"

She wiped her tears away and said, "He was gone all day, called home real late and said he got something for our boy, said he was far from home and he was going to sleep in a cave while he waited for daybreak. And... Look... At all that blood."

Xavier pulled up and walked over only looking at her and said, "Sorry Millie, I got here as soon as I, what the hell!" He wobbled at the sight of so much blood and the smell of it cooking on the car. "What the hell happened here?!"

Millie broke back into sobs as she said, "I don't know Xavier. He called and told me not to wait up and he also told me to put the television on loud and fall asleep. so I did! I thought I heard thunder but there is no sign of rain and only," she was quieted by her tears because next to the driver side door was his boot.

Xavier composed himself and said, "Calm down Millie, let's not jump to conclusions now, I'm sure we'll figure this out. Jaamise can you grab the camera from my dashboard? I think I need to get some help."

Back in D.C.

Senator John pulled up a Glen Rose, Texas newspaper. It showed a bull, on one side of its horns a green alien, and on the other, a purple beast with quills running down its back. It read, 'Chupacabra or aliens, local authorities baffled by multiple mutilations'. John was livid and spoke with rage coiled up, "What the hell is going on here Tim? Tell me we've got nothing to do with this!"

Tim stammered out, "John... I swear to you... What we're doing.... Has absolutely nothing to do... With any of this nonsense... You know your local yokels... They're just selling papers..."

John smiled grimly and said, "You better be telling me the truth, or I will have you drawn and quartered, just like one of the Glen Rose cattle. Oh, and why are we stocking that reservoir with tons of fish every two weeks, for crips sakes, it's been closed to the public ever since 9/11"

Tim's eyes wandered as he said, "What reservoir? Look I'm sorry, John, but I have to run."

Adolf started to climb John and he started to shake Adolf off him as he screamed, "Get this damn monkey off of me!"

Tim pulled the monkey off and called his secretary, "Suzie, I need the jet prepared and ready for a cross-country trip in one hour. and have my pilot find the nearest airstrip to Glen Rose, Texas." 

Suzie quickly spoke, "Yes sir and I've almost figured out who outbid you on-"

Tim interrupted quickly, "Not now!"

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