Chapter Three

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Nine minutes later

The truck pulled up to the park, the sign saying, 'Dinosaur Valley State Park'. Wu pulled up as the guard held out her hand and asked, "Have a good ride in?"

Wu handed over his transfer paperwork and his driver's license. Wu watched as Professor Bakker said, "Sure enough, say what the hell's going on in there by the way?"

The guard rolled her eyes and said "Damned if I know- see ya on the way out sweetie." as Wu drove deeper into the dinosaur valley the guard muttered "Nosey-shit kicker."

Wu parked at the end of the road to see paddocks and eight people in yellow jackets. As one dropped a box labeled comp-1987  Wu screamed "Can you be just a little more careful there!" the Compsognathus triassicus started to chirp.

Wu got out and walked into the warehouse he saw Lewis Dodgson. Dodgson was hired on by the big boss, but Wu still detested the man. Lewis was thirty-nine, and his skin was a fair white. With that, he had scars on his back from a Compsognathus triassicus attack. He was thin but strong, and he quickly spoke, "Dr. Wu you do know you have a bunch of pent-up, cabin fevered, ready-to-do-some-damage nutcases in here just ready to do some mutiny? We are in dire need of shore leaving."

Wu responded, "You get your share of wide-open land every time we get low on supplies and that's all your getting."

Professor Bakker walked in and said, "You know I'm getting tired of your bellyaching. You knew what you were signed up for and you getting paid damn well. Now get back to it!"

In the air of Costa Rica

Lex pulled out her phone as Lauren called, "Do you need me to cancel our appointment next week with the contractors in Belize?"

Lex thought about it for a while as she responded "Yes, thanks and I don't think we can afford another startup until we secured financing to back up what we already started in Henan. The Chinese have added so much fat to our budget, we may never get that operation off the ground. Ok, be there in a jiff gotta run Lauren, Bye!"

Lauren spoke quickly "See you soon!"

Jim walked up to her, and spoke quizzingly, "What did you say?"

"To who?", she asked. 

"The guy who hurled the lettuce?" The jet careened as it swerved. Jim and Lex's voices overlapped as Lex screamed "WHAT THE -" Jim yelled out "HOLY-" as the jet spun Lex saw Isla Nublar, the tear-drop island sent chills of fear down her spine. As the jet righted up Lex saw the Pteranodon longiceps as she sighed, "Those god damned birds, they will never get them, oh as for the answer to your question I just asked him if it was one of our lettuces." 

Nine time zones away

Lewis Dodgson quietly spoke to the Triceratops horridus, "Not even a week since the last batch of supplies, and here we are feeding these ugly cows. Probably eat till they burst especially this one, nice horn there stubby." Lewis gripped the double-barreled shotgun as he heard, "Okay that's enough boys take 'em back to the ranch." The other three Triceratops horridus were elephant-sized and tempered. Lewis slammed his shotgun butt against the Triceratops horridus head as they ignored his tugging and said "That means you to Beavis. WHOA!" he screamed as the Triceratops horridus tossed him in the air. he said, "Hand me that stun gun, now!" Lewis jammed the end of it into the skin and pulled the trigger and said, "You wanna play? I'll show you whose boss!"

Three hours later

Bill, Tim, and Senator John stood there in the big sign with the bold letters 'Packederm paddock' Bill spoke loud so that everyone knew that he was talking to the richest man on the planet "We can't begin to tell how much your contributions mean to us, Mr.Murphy"

Tim glanced around and finally spoke in a more modest voice, "That's very nice of you but what else am I going to do with all of my money?" 

ohn rolled his eyes and sternly spoke, "Bill can I borrow Tim from you?" Tim's black pants and a t-shirt with the gray jacket looked very strange to the man with black pants, a white button-up, a yellow tie, and a black over-jacket.

Timothy smiled as he said, "Senator I didn't expect to see you here!"

John was furious and anger dripped through his words as he spoke, "Look Tim you're killing me, I got heat on me as you won't believe!"

Tim sighed, "Trust me, John! I'm not doing anything that will jeopardize your position, you've known me since I was eight so can I catch a little break here?"

John's temper flared as he hissed, "Now don't you get cocky with me! You little prick! You better give me some idea when this is all going to pay off! The shipments to nowhere the trucks carrying God knows what... I gotta know what's going on and pretty damned soon!... Or..."

Tim sighed, he might have just ruined his only chance to make his grandfather's dream come true, so he spoke quickly and quietly "Your right. I'm sorry. Look I meant no disrespect." Tim's arms hung limp as he continued "I need about another month, two tops. I swear it's all gonna be worth the hassle I promise!"

The announcement megaphones started at once "Mr.Murphy we're ready to begin."

Tim whispered to him "Thanks, John I gotta go!"

Paraiso, Costa Rica

Lex's orange office glowed in its way. Her pictures all included her grandpa, John Alfred Hammond. Lauren walked in and gently spoke, "Looks like your little speech did the trick, girl!" Lauren handed her a newspaper that said for its the headline, 'Dino Dilemma diffused!!' Lauren shifted her eyesight and spoke softly, so softly lex could barely hear her. "Why didn't doctors Grant, or Sattler stand up there with you?"

Lex's rage hit a new high, " You know, there are even more fed up with this whole Jurassic park debacle than Tim and I are, especially Grant! He's been there two too many times! You talk until your blue In the face, you count the bodies left behind and yet there is always some damned fool trying to get on one of those islands!"

The phone rang, and Lex quickly picked it up "Ellie? Were your ears ringing?.... Yeah thanks, too busy. a union meeting today then off to texas to deal with some vandals. But I'm just so glad we can finally put a rest on this whole dinosaur business."

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