Chapter Five

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Lex-x-crops, costa Rica

Lex sighed and said, "I understand your concerns but you have to give me more time to get this site to start making a profit so I can hire more staff."

Mendez sat there in his brand new blue suit, holding a tiny black book, as he spoke earnestly "We sold you this land for pennies, Ms.Murphy with the expectation that you would help the local economy."

Lex's smile dropped as she spoke, "But I never once agreed to massive quantitative amounts of dayworkers. beyond that, I made it clear you would benefit solely from exports, infrastructures, development, and other revenues along those lines."

Lauren opened the door and said, "Excuse me but I have your two-o-clock conference call the southwest rep on hold and he's a bit frantic."

Lex smiled and looked back to Mendez and told him apologetically "I'm sorry Mr.Mendez, I do need to take this call. but I promise that when I return Lauren will schedule the time and we will get a mutually agreeable compromise." Mendez opened his mouth, closed it, and walked out the door.

Lex grabbed the phone and rage boiled up as she screamed, "What do you mean we lost a third of our crops to vandals? I'll tell you what to do, find the rancher with the biggest money woes and ask him how he keeps his livestock fed!" She calmed herself as she said, "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Back in Glen Rose, Texas

Wu stood there as he said, "We've searched everywhere, so the only logical solution is that she is a nocturnal hunter- She's got to be holed up in a cave somewhere."

The Voice spoke sternly with rage boiling up, "You better pray you're right Wu, I want Bakker out there at sundown looking for him- bring every man you can spare."

Wu looked at Bakker, as Bakker said, "On it sir, everything is arranged and I have no doubt that we will have this situation in hand before you get here. If there is anyone alive who knows how to find a dinosaur, it's me."

Feeding site two

Lewis Dodgson walked in front of the Triceratops as someone behind him said, "I'm not getting paid nearly enough for this lousy detail."

Lewis laughed as he said, "And I'm not getting paid enough to listen to your crabbing either." He smiled and said, "Hey I'm running things buddy so watch your step." As he said that the Triceratops slammed her foot on Lewis Dodgson. He yanked out the taser as he turned it on and put it on her eyelid as he said, "Here's one to remember me by!" Then he pulled, and the electricity shot right through the Triceratops. It started to spasm as the electricity shot through her body.

Fossil Rim wildlife reserve

The herd of white Rhinoceros started to turn their heads at the sound of heavy footsteps. As the Carnotaurus burst from the foliage. The Carnotaurus roared as the herd slowly turned away and fled. The Carnotaurus hissed in a low pitch before turning and leaving.

During its walk, it broke through a ranch's wall, freeing cattle. A young kid saw her, the boy went off and got his dad, and his dad fainted at the sight of the Carnotaurus. As he did so the Carnotaurus heard this and began walking to the house.

On that same evening in D.C.

Tim sat there in the same clothes he wore there three years ago, as requested by the voice. He wore the same thing every meeting. Tim spoke evenly getting agitated, "I'm getting an incredible amount of pressure from my people to get things moving a lot faster... I need to be certain of your progress firsthand to ensure-"

The Voice just said "Patience my boy we've been over this ad nauseam. You cannot rush success.

Tim got annoyed and it surfaced as he talked, "You have no idea how much of a bind I'm in. I'm telling you if we don't-"

The Voice interrupted him, and it only made matters worse though for Tim, as he said, "My associate has our latest technical data as well as new photos for you. showing the compound and its various operations." Tim saw the dinosaurs in the cages, so many of them all accounted for, it made him smile.

The Voice said, "I knew these would bring a smile to your face. Now relax and let us do all the heavy lifting. We're mere weeks away from completion." Tim watched as once again the book was burned as The Voice continued, "This will be our shining moment in the sun and sweet vindication for your good grandfather's name." A slight rumbling filled the entire room as the sound echoed from the voice's computer.

Tim gently asked, "What is that sound?" 

The Voice simply said, "You just prepare yourself for good times ahead and leave everything else to me. I'm heading there myself. Sometime in the next 48 hours, I'll be there to confirm the final preparations are in order. Don't worry, we will be sharing a wonderful champagne toast.

7:15 Glen Rose, Texas

The cattle lay there with three more. All mutilated, eaten, ravaged, and bled out. Delgado looked at the cattle as Bill stood to the side with blue jeans, a white tee-shirt, and a yellow jacket. Sheriff Delgado stood up wiping the blood off his fingers as he and Jaamise wore their mandatory outfit.

Delgado muttered, "I gotta tell ya folks, this is getting a little too damn annoying. I ain't ever see this many tore up cattle in so little time. I already checked with Fossil Rim wildlife reserve. They say all of their inmates are in and accounted for. Now, Bill, there is tearing up and tearing up but these here are some of the nastiest-"

Jaamise said, "I don't know. I've seen this kind of carnage before, I mean mutilation is mutilation right?"

Bill nodded his head and said, "I hear ya."

Delgado shook his head and said, "Jaamise you being from a big city like Atlanta and all, I can't imagine some of the sights you've seen. I imagine some would scare me to death, but you thinkin' you're a expert after living here what? Two years? Well..."

Jaamise smirked and told him straight up, "Come on Xavier, don't give me that 'aw-shucks bumpkin dance'. I know you've seen your own crazy, I mean crazy is crazy and it doesn't discriminate by zip code."

The radio crackled to life as it sputtered out, "Hey chief we got a whole other situation over at the Stension ranch."

Delgado quickly answered as he said, "What is it, Tommy? More shredded beef?"

"I'm afraid it's much worse chief. You'll have to see for yourself."

Delgado rolled his eyes as he said, "On my way."

Just as Delgado opened the door to his cruiser the radio spurted out, "Hey chief, you want me to call the folks at Lex-x-crops and let them know you'll be there later? They keep ringing us off the hook with damn vandalism complaints the last three days. And to make matters worse you keep-"

Delgado turned on the radio and shouted, "Let them know I'll get there when I get there!"

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