Happy Birthday!

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(It's a few weeks later and it's your birthday. Hermione is throwing you a party. You told her you didn't want one ,but she insisted. Draco is so excited for your birthday he got up early for once to get you breakfast in bed. The only problem is he didn't wake up early enough to be done in time. So you wake up and get dressed for class\/)

"What your up already you were supposed to be in bed" "I got up the same time I always do" "Oh well I was trying to make you breakfast in bed for your birthday" "Here I'll sit on the bed and we can eat it together" *he smiles* "Okay" "I like your ...

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"What your up already you were supposed to be in bed"
"I got up the same time I always do"
"Oh well I was trying to make you breakfast in bed for your birthday"
"Here I'll sit on the bed and we can eat it together"
*he smiles* "Okay" "I like your birthday outfit"
"I'm 16, I wanted to look nice"
"Well you look great and now I can't say i'm older so I get to pick"
"Aw man I loved you doing that"
"Yea I know you did haha" "So are you ready for your party"
"Let's not"
"Why not?"
"Because now let's go to class"
"fine we will talk about it later then"
"No we won't"
"Yes we will and you know it"
(You go to potions class and right when you walk in your dad says happy birthday to you. You and Draco sit down and wait for class to start. Hermione runs in and hugs you.)
"Thanks Hermione"
"Sit down Granger class is about to start"
"Yes sir"
(Class starts and you learned about love potions and harry and some girls were paying vary close attention. You hold Draco's hand so Harry can see. After school you and Hermione go to you dorm room to get ready for the party. Draco went back to his room to get ready. You put this on \/)

"You look great y/n" "Thanks Hermione" "Are you ready to go" "Where even is the party""In the room of requirement" "Why is it in there?""Because we need to decorate and it decorates it's self" "Oh cool" "Come on let's go" (You and Hermione go to t...

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"You look great y/n"
"Thanks Hermione"
"Are you ready to go"
"Where even is the party"
"In the room of requirement"
"Why is it in there?"
"Because we need to decorate and it decorates it's self"
"Oh cool"
"Come on let's go"
(You and Hermione go to the room of requirement and the doors open and you see everyone inside. Draco comes and gives you a hug)
"Happy birthday baby"
"Thanks...now let's get this party started"
(You guys dance and laugh for a while. Now it's time for presents. This is what you got from each person \/)

(Hermione got you and her matching keychains, Ron got you a charm bracelet, Harry got you and necklace, Blaze got you and mirror compact, And Draco got you a necklace with a weird symbol

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(Hermione got you and her matching keychains, Ron got you a charm bracelet, Harry got you and necklace, Blaze got you and mirror compact, And Draco got you a necklace with a weird symbol. You know it looks familiar but you don't know where you've seen it before.)
y/n:"Thank you everyone they are beautiful"
Hermione: "Can we see what you got I wanna know if I picked the best one or not"
Y/n: "Okay here"
You show them one by one. Hermione first then Ron next Harry then Blaze and lastly Draco's. Once you get to Draco's and everyone sees what is is they look at you worried, But Blaze looks at Draco like he has something to say to him.
Y/n: "What?! what's wrong?!"
Hermione: "Y/n do you know what that is? on the necklace that Draco gave you, do you know what the symbol means?"
Y/n: "No why"
Harry: "I knew Draco was bad for you, but you didn't listen"
Blaze: "Draco what were you thinking?...Bringing that here."
Draco: "It's just a necklace...What..What's the big deal?"
Ron: "Y/n it's the dark mark"
Y/n: "What no....it can't be...Voldemort is dead so there for so is the dark mark and his death eaters."
Harry: "Draco's probably one of them just like his lying, cheating parents"
Y/n: "HARRY STOP!...Now i'm going back to my dorm...this WAS fun. Thank you Hermione for throwing the party but you understand why i'm leaving right?"
Hermione: "Yea I understand"
Y/n: "Bye!"
(You storm off to your room Draco and Blaze run after you. You hear Hermione and Ron yelling at Harry as you leave. You slam the door before Draco and Blaze get there.)
-Hermione's POV-
Hermione: "What is wrong with you Harry?"
Harry: "What?!"
Ron: "You didn't have to be so rude to her man!"
Harry: "What do you mean I wasn't rude to her"
Hermione: "Well you were rude to Draco then!"
Harry: "So what?!"
Ron: "Cant you see she loves him"
Harry: "Well she shouldn't"
Hermione: "Nope stop...Me and Ron are going to go take her presents to her and your going to cool down and stop this weird thing your doing...Bye Harry"
-your POV-
Y/n: "please go away I don't want to talk to anyone"
Draco: "Please let me in"
Y/n: "Please just leave me alone"
Blaze: "Please let us in...We have your presents"
Y/n: "Fine...Come in"
Draco: "Y/n I'm sorry about the necklace"
Y/n: "I don't understand the big deal...Your not a death eater...It's just a snake and skull"
Draco: "Yea....just a skull...and snake"
-Blaze gives Draco a look-
Y/n: "Why do you keep doing that"
Blaze: "Do what?"
Y/n: "Why do you keep looking at Draco like that what's going on?"
Blaze: "You have to tell her Draco"
Y/n: "Tell me what?"
Draco: "Blaze can you leave...please"
Blaze: "Yea...Bye y/n"
Y/n: "Bye Blaze"
(Blaze leaves you and Draco alone)
"Draco what's going on...What do you have to tell me?"
"Promise me you won't look at me any differently please promise"
"Draco nothing will ever make me change how I look at you...ever"
"Okay.....Voldemort...is back and.....My parents are....Death eaters....and so am I...I'm so sorry I never told you i'm just ashamed"
"....Whoa...um...I don't know what to say"
"I'm so sorry I never told you"
"Wait but you don't have the mark though"
"You don't get it until your 18th birthday.."
"And your 16"
"Yea...y/n I can't say it enough I'm so sorry...If you want to break up I understand...but know this y/n I will always love you"
"Stop what are you saying...brake up"
"What?! you still want to say with me even though i'm a death eater?"
"Draco I love you, You have always been the one there was no doubt about it, just because your family does this doesn't change anything"
"What about when voldemort comes back for Harry"
"We will cross that bridge when we get there"
"Okay.....I love you"
"I love you to Draco"
-You to start kissing, It starts to get more intense-
"Wait...not right now"
"Why not"
"We need to make a plan"
"Harry and them are going to expect us to brake up so, you have to sleep in your own room and tomorrow i'm going to act really sad"
"Why can't they know the truth"
"Because if i'm going to join you they can't know or they will tell my dad"
"Okay..but i'm going to miss you tomorrow"
"I'll miss you to"
(You kiss Draco goodbye and go to sleep. You hope your plan works so your dad doesn't find out your going to join the death eaters. You cant believe your actually going to do this with Draco)

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