Swedish Fish and Oreos

Start from the beginning

He tried for a smirk, but he was obviously uncomfortable. "Inefficient, but okay."

Aru rolled her eyes, deciding to play nice and try to win his trust. "I brought you something."

"More stale bread?" He asked dryly. "Yippee."

Aru dragged over the tiny folding table that was leaning against the wall and set it in front of him. There were no other chairs in the room, so she didn't sit, but even if there were, she doubted she would've. Aru took out the Swedish Fish and sleeve of Oreos, laying them in front.

The boy raised an eyebrow. "Are these poisoned?"

Aru tried to not look super offended. "Why would I poison them? You're worth more to us alive. Besides, poisoning Swedish Fish and Oreos would be, like, sacrilegious."

"That, you have correct," he said, moving his shackled hands to take an Oreo. "I hope I'm not making a mistake in believing you."

To prove to him that they weren't poisoned, Aru took a cookie herself. "Dad and Naci left for a bit. Otherwise, I'd probably be killed for being this nice to an Alu."

"You knocked me out, took me prisoner, and then threw a stress ball at my head," he said.


"So, Wolf, why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"

She pursed her lips, hoping she didn't sound like a total fake. "I'm human, too. I don't commend the way my dad has been treating you."

"Well, if you really want to help me, then let me go," he said.

Aru stared at him. "Are you crazy? Do you know what my father would do to me if I did that?"

"Then I'll take you with me," he said. "I'll even forgive you for throwing a ball at my head."

"What about the whole knocking-you-out-and-taking-you-prisoner thing?"

"Hmm... hard pass."

"Fine," Aru said, taking another Oreo. "What's your name, anyway."

"If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?"

"Hmm... hard pass," she smirked, throwing his line right back at him. "I'll stick with Wolf."

He wrinkled his nose. "Whatever. I'm Aiden."

"Aiden who?"

"Aiden... classified," he said.

"I'm going to assume that means you're not going to tell me your last name, not that your last name is 'Classified'."

Aiden gave her a look that said Well, duh.

Aru fidgeted with her fingers. "So... if I did accept your offer to leave my dad and join your gang. What would I need to know? I mean, if they'd let me. I did attack them, after all."

Aiden knit his eyebrows, obviously debating on whether to trust her or not. Apparently, he decided on or.

"There's not too much to know," he said. "The four of us that you and your gang fought- it was me, Mini Classified, Brynne Classified, and Rudy Classified."

"Ah," Aru said. "You're a family of 'Classified's, I see."

The corner of his mouth quirked upwards for a split second. "Mhm."

"Just you four, then? Any more who would potentially kill me if I showed my face?"

His eyes hardened. "Maybe. I'll file that information under-"

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