Chapter thirty-four (Blake)

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Chapter thirty-four (Blake)

When the night took hold, I snuck out of bed.

Putting on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt in the bathroom, I set off to the rose garden.

Everything everywhere was submerged in a veil of inky black darkness.

The furniture, statues and paintings all mere shapes coated like black paint, removing all detail except for fine outlines. I waited for my eyes to adjust, almost tumbling down the moaning staircase.

Reaching the bottom of the attic stairs, I felt something move from under itself. Arching my back, I curved around and anxiously tried to see if anything was there.

Please be a rat or a Brownie.

A piercing white light hit me directly in the eyes like a spotlight on a stage.

Gasping I grappled backwards covering eyes as I hit the ground.

The light dimmed slightly and flickered as I heard the familiar sound of annoyed cursing.

"Darn, darn, DARN!" Robin the emotion-born babbled, hitting a bronze homemade lantern.

I winced at the fourteen-year-old. "Robin what are you playing at?!"

He stammered, tripping over a statue causing a large smashing sound.

Jumping back up with plaster dust all over himself, he stammered. "Quiet you!"

Angrily I hissed back. "Said the guy who just broke a plaster ornament into tiny pieces!"

"Please if anything that statue was drab and ugly anyway!" Robin assured. "We should be asking ourselves a more important question... where are we going?"

My head hurt from the strobe lighting, that lantern or torch or... whatever it was, might have given me a dose of permanent eye damage.

Forcing myself up from the ground, I grabbed hold of Robin's arm tightly. "What do you mean, we?"

He shrugged and did a little pouty face. "What? Do you think you get to sneak out like a super spy and leave me out of the fun? No sorry, you can't do that this time; anyway I thought you'd need a device of mine! I call it the... F.L.A.S.H after the comic, the fluorescent laser alpha snow hunter!"

Staring up to the ceiling I let out a huge and frustrated sigh. "Two things Robin – one, you made that up on the spot. Secondly, that is literally a torch."

The demigod didn't seem to like that response. He stamped his feet and narrowed his eyes with a discouraging attitude.

"Hey! It is way more than a simple torch!"

"Yeah whatever you say, kid. But either way, you're not invited."

"That is not an option I'm afraid. Tell me what crazy things we will be up to or I'll tell the tutors that I caught you past bedtime out of the dormitory." The orange-skinned boy threatened with a proud grin.

There was no point in fighting him, his mind was set in action and I couldn't risk being reported to the tutors.

This did make me feel sorry for myself and kind of stupid.

Letting go of this arm, I relented. "Okay fine, I was going to summon a ghost with Cameron Thorne."

Grinning more wildly he grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled us along and down the dark corridors.

Strangely, the weather was still warm, like a nice breeze in Florida during an evening. I took the moment to appreciate this since it was very unusual for the English climate.

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