Chapter 1

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Jungkook has never been a fan of sunlight.

Not because he's a vampire and that he's worried about it burning him to death, no. That's just a myth, like many other things that humans made up about vampires. Vampires can live under the blistering sun without burning or any of the other crap that humans made up. Vampires can also see their reflections. That one is just as stupid as it is funny.

The thing is, Jungkook just doesn't like waking up to the sunlight blinding him first thing in the morning just like every other human being (or vampires for that matter. After all, Jungkook is a vampire).

Jungkook would only partly blame the sun and mostly blame Seokjin because he's the one who took down all of the curtains in the house because apparently, those haven't been washed in "ages". Which is disgusting because to vampires, ages could be meant literally. So Jungkook can't really complain at the end, to the fact that the curtains may be missing but at least he knows that they'd be clean the next time they're hung up once again.

After cursing to the room (and to Seokjin just to spite him in his head), Jungkook finally gets the mental energy to get up, ruffling his bedhead with his hand and probably making it even worse than it already was.

The kitchen smells like temptation once Jungkook finally gathered his wits and made his way downstairs. Seokjin is cooking when Jungkook enters the room, wearing nothing but a blue apron and his spongebob boxers. He looks ridiculous but Jungkook can't even give him shit for it because he has the sexiest, widest shoulders that Jungkook has ever seen and he'd be lying if he said he'd never been jealous of it.

"What's cooking, good looking," Jungkook says as a way of greeting, settling on one of the stools around the island. Seokjin doesn't even turn to acknowledge him.

"Thanks for calling me good looking but no, I am not sharing this with you," Seokjin says, turning off the stove and grabbing a bowl that was on the counter beside him. Jungkook catches a glimpse of the dish. Ikura Don. What the fuck.

"Why are you having Ikura Don for breakfast? Did we run out of cereals?" Jungkook asks, still looking at Seokjin's dish in disbelief. Also, he's partially alarmed. What if they did run out of cereal?

Seokjin only rolls his eyes before sitting himself across Jungkook. The Ikura looks delightful. Jungkook's mouth waters.

"Can't I indulge myself? And please, don't complain when you're literally drooling all over it."

At that moment, Yoongi decided to enter the kitchen, his hair a mess on top of his head and looking like he's still in the dreamland.

"Who's drooling?" he asks, going over to the fridge, grabs a cold bottle of water, and chugs it down.

"You," Seokjin replies, looking at Yoongi with a scrunched nose. "Wash your face before you come down to eat. You're ruining my appetite."

"And you're ruining my day. Also, is that a fucking Ikura Don?" Yoongi says, now distracted by the same dish that Jungkook is still shooting heart eyes at while he's shoveling at his pathetic cereal breakfast. Cereals are great but it pales in comparison to Seokjin's breakfast right now. They may be vampires whose diet mainly contains blood and, well, even more blood but it doesn't mean they can't enjoy fine meals. It's probably one of their favorites that humans do: being absolutely incredible and creative with their dishes (However, don't get him wrong, human food is magnificent but blood is an absolute delight. A single sip makes the birds sing and the crops grow in Jungkook's world).

"Yes it is and no, I am not sharing. This is mine, make yours."

Yoongi stares at the dish for another few seconds before he completely turns away and starts rummaging in the fridge.

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