KotLC is real life & I don't like KotLC because

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(I copied this off of a book log I did yesterday)

Prompt: Find a connection between the book and your life.

Answer: Something in this book reminds me of real life. Some people are nice, but end up being forgotten, and then they start being mean. Otherwise, they get attached to another person who treats them horribly and still expects them to be happy and perfect. THAT'S NOT HOW LIFE WORKS. Then the first person, the nice one, gets slightly mad at the second person. The second person then blames all their problems on them and thinks they're a brat. And the second person is always popular, hot, and has lots of friends. So those friends get mad at the first person for not being perfect and having flaws. They say the first person is toxic, deserves to be forgotten, and that anyone who likes them or wants to be their friend is an idiot, a brat, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't think about without wanting to curse the friends out. All in all, Keeper of the Lost Cities sucks, but so does life. I don't know why I still read it, but I do want to find out what happens to Fitz and Wylie. NOT because I want to see what ships happen. Obviously not. Another thing about life: people kind of match you up with other people. Even if the person who people ship you will has repeatedly beat you up. Nope. They still ship you with them. Unfortunately.

Question: Would you recommend this book to a friend?

Answer: No. It's boring and most the characters are idiots. Also, everything revolves around the main character (Sophie) who complains about everything and her main conflict is which hot boy she should date. She treats one of the boys (Fitz) badly and tells him nothing and then blames all her problems on him. The fans think he's toxic and deserves to die. I say Sophie's a brat and deserves to get all her powers taken away. Permanently. Because she's so overpowered and some people have NO POWERS. So she should just be happy instead of whining all the time. In conclusion, the book series sucks and there are only five characters (Wylie, Maruca, Fitz, Juline (the mother of one of the main characters) and Amy) who are actually nice and appreciate their powers (actually, Amy has none, but is still awesome). And there's no diversity. Pretty much none, because the diverse characters are forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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